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Thursday, December 3, 2015

December Goals

1. To do one awesome thing for myself for my birthday. 

2. To go driving and look at Christmas Lights. 

3. To make epic homemade hot cocoa. 

4. Plan out a good amount of blog posts to make sure I'm keeping up even while having holiday fun.

5. To try and relax and enjoy the holiday with my family and not stress. 


November Recap: 

1. Complete NaNoWriMo- Done! Finished at around 68,000 words. It's a mess but hey it's done! 

2. 10,000 steps per day- 20 out of 30 days complete. Not stellar but not horrible! 

3. Christmas Shopping Lists done- The lists are done. Most of the shopping is done.

4. Make at least 1 homemade gift- Fail. 

5. No more than 3 fast food meals this month- I think we hit up 4 times but actually we did really well!!!

6. At least 4 crock pot meals- Done! I actually made way more than 4 and I am now in love with the ease of pop it in and leave it alone!

7.  Go to the Y at least 3 times-Fail.

8.  Bullet Journal-Done! I love this system and am now coveting a Leuchttrum 1917 for the new year.

9. Blog at least 5 days a week- I managed to do 20 posts last month! Not shabby at all!! 

10. Spend time with friends-YES! I had an amazing time with my bestie and I can't wait to see her face again in January!!!


  1. Only one awesome thing for your birthday? Girrrl. More than one!

  2. only 1 thing for your bday? TREAT YO' SELF!!!!

  3. I saw a pretty epic hot chocolate crock pot recipe on FB the other day that was supposed to be super creamy (nothing about it was really healthy, mostly the epic amounts of dairy from cans), that I would consider making if I was hosting a party. Probably not for the fam to consume since it's SOOO MUCH hot chocolate.
    YAY for steps and writing!
    <3 <3 <3 crock pot!
    We've driven around the neighborhood some looking at lights and I've not been too disappointed.
