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Monday, November 9, 2015

Bookish Thanksgiving Tag

Good Morning Everyone,

In honor of the upcoming holiday and of the awesome linkup tomorrow (don't forget!) I thought that it was the perfect time for this tag.

I first saw this one over at Mama Kat's blog and have been following along as more and more people participate! I hope you will too!

1. Bread- What book is purely fluff, and has no real plot line? Hex Appeal by Linda Wisdom This is part of a fluffy magic/romance series and it is super cheesy and ultimate fluff!

2. Turkey- What book made you want to fall asleep? Wicked by Gregory Maguire...I realize this might make me unpopular here but I found this book to be entirely too wordy. I'm not a fan of the Wizard of Oz anyhow and just read this because it was highly recommended and it was not for me.

3. Gravy- What book makes the whole series worth reading? Hammered by Kevin Hearne  of the Iron Druid Series. By far my favorite and really pulled me into the series!

4. Stuffing- What book is stuffed full of action scenes? Fool Moon by Jim Butcher in the Harry Dresden series. The whole series is actually pretty action packed.

5. Mashed Potatoes- What book looked good, and then wasn’t?( I don't get this questions...mashed potatoes are delicious...) The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry-----It actually was good until the end and then it was just so abrupt and awful. Huge Disappointment.

6. Cranberries- What book has the sweetest romance? Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. I know it is slightly weird and nerdy but I kinda love it.

7. Corn- What’s the corniest book you’ve ever read? Pretty much all of the Hannah Swenson Series. The first six or so were good but after that it was just ridiculous.

8. Green beans- What book is too long and needs to be shortened? Pretty much the entire Game Of Thrones Series. I feel like a lot could be cut out and still be an amazing story.

9. Pumpkin Pie- What book do you read to get out of a reading slump? Usually I re-read Harry Potter or The Hobbit

10. Dog/Cat- What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food that you would steal from the table? Sweet Potatoes

I tag everyone that reads this one! I love seeing what everyone is reading!

Happy Monday! 


  1. How clever! I love your comment about mashed potatoes and their deliciousness. I couldn't agree more. And, I totally agree with Attachments. I'm not one to fall for such a sweet, schmaltzy book, but I loved it.
