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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Confessions 10/28

Good Morning Everyone,

Time to Confess!

I confess that I got all ready and did full makeup yesterday and then...didn't go anywhere. My brother and I were going to go out but it was rainy and cold and I wasn't going to drag Kyra out there in that type weather. I do not need a sick toddler.

I confess that I have not bought any Halloween candy yet. We don't get trick or treaters down our street (its a creepy dead end) so I just haven't seen the point. However I could really go for those mini Hershey bars. The bag of mixed ones? Yum.

I confess I was a little broken hearted to see that Sephora totally sold out of the Urban Decay like moments. I mean I couldn't afford it really but some part of me hoped I might get it.

I confess that despite that other confession about wanting expensive makeup, I am trying to work on budgeting. There are some actual grown up things that I want to achieve in the next couple years and we won't get there unless we start to do some serious budgeting now. #adultingishard

I confess that I'm also working on scheduling my time better. I want to do NaNoWriMo again this year and also budget, be a mom, cook, clean, etc. So Yeah...I'm gonna need some time management.

On that note I'm off to get some more work done around the house. Happy Humpday Everyone.

Be sure to join the linkup! 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren


  1. Completely kinda unrelated regarding the coffee IV. There is a place in Charleston opening up that essentially gives you an IV to properly hydrate you. I am in complete disgust and awe that this place is real. I can only imagine how many people will be going there to cure their hangovers. I mean... DRINK SOME FREAKIN WATER!!!
    Also, budgeting sucks. I should do it. Bhahahahha. I'd literally need someone to tell me exactly what I should and shouldn't spend where and when. If someone isn't giving me clear concise directions, I'm useless.

  2. I haven't bought any candy yet either so I spend my days daydreaming of all my options. Like those mini hersey bars, or reeses, or mini snickers, or m&ms or...

  3. Adult budgeting sucks but it's worth it when you can get something you really want.

    My weekend schedules for the next few weeks are packed so I need to do some time management scheduling ASAP!

  4. Budgeting BLOWS. But when you're doing it for something you love, it definitely helps.
