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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Cruel Summer Tag

Good Morning Everyone, 

It's time for a tag! 

I saw this tag over at Kay's Blog and I thought it looked like a lot of fun and thus I borrowed it! 

Here we go:

1. What's the hottest temperature it's ever reached where you live? Probably around 102 but with the humidity it usually feels like 110. Seriously it is so sticky and humid here.

2. Speaking of hot, how do you cool off in the summer? I avoid outdoors at all costs and if I must be outside you will find me near the water!

3. Summer is one of the best times to read. Give us your summer book recommendation! The Martian has gotten RAVE reviews from everyone I have recommended it to! Girl on the Train was pretty awesome and Steal Like an Artist has become a book I refer to nearly daily!

4. What's your favorite thing about summer where you live? Um...I'm really not a summer girl but I do love that everything is pretty wait that is spring....I love all the town festivals and decorations! No...that is fall and winter.....yeah summer is not so much fun.

5. What's the number 1 thing on your summer bucket list? To stay in the air conditioning as much as possible? Or just going swimming as it is really the only part of summer I enjoy.

6. You're going on a girl's trip this weekend and you've rented a drop-top convertible. What's the first song you blast?
 Don't Stop Believin' by Journey. We are suckers for the 80's hits! 

7.  Summer is for glowing! What product do you use to get your bronze goddess on? I like NYC bronzer in Sunny for everyday glowy-ness, and for highlight I am now utterly in love with Jaclyn Hill's collab with Becca- Champagne Pop! 

8. What about lip products? Are you a lipstick, lipgloss or bar lips kind of girl? Lipstick or gloss. I am in love with matte liquid lips right now. I cannot wait for the Nyx Suede lips to get to Ulta!

NYX Liquid Suede Cream Lipsticks!Launching later this month @nyxcosmetics

9. How about nail polish? What nail polish can you not get enough of during the summer? I love nail polish! This summer I am all about blues and currently sea foam green!!!

10. This or that?
Bonfire or swimming? Swimming
Pool or beach? If I'm at the beach it means I'm on vacation so yay beach! However I prefer to swim at the pool! 
Icecream or popsicles? Icecream
Bikini or a one piece? One piece
Sporting event or music festival? Neither? I dislike being out around people and in the heat....
Maxis or sundresses? Sundress

11. Dream summer vacation on me! Where are you going? Probably New Zealand or Australia. Or the Harry Potter tour in London!

12. Got any summer traditions? Not so much. We may go to the zoo or something like that but honestly I spend most of my summers indoors either reading or writing! 

So that's my cruel summer! I tag everyone that reads this! (Unless you have already done it and you probably have because I am always late to the party!) 

Happy Tuesday Everyone!


  1. YES to staying inside as much as possible. I'm not an outdoors kind of girl in general but in Summer... just NO!

  2. 102 sounds like death. Literally. Also staying in AC for as long as possible sounds like a freaking good plan in 102 weather.YIKES!! I prefer swimming in pools as well!

  3. I've been trying to track down anyone who does the tag so I'm super excited you commenting on Kay's post/did the tag!
    I love your makeup related answers. I had no idea NYX had a suede lip line but it sounds so luxurious and I love every other NYX product ever! Also that Becca highlighter from Jaclyn Hill is so beautiful - I've wanted it since I first laid eyes on it.
