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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Choose Your Aventure: Finances Recap and May Goals

Good Morning Everyone,

It's time for the Choose Your Adventure Linkup! Last Month: Finances!

Life According to Steph

 April's Goal: Finances

1) Stick to budget with a limited "free spending" amount-- Actually did pretty good on this one. Staying home saves money!

2) Organize bills onto my smartphone with updated payment dates and amounts (I still have notifications from things I paid off like...two years ago. My car for example!)-- Done! Updated and scheduled a lot of them!

May's Goal: Read

1) Get caught up with my GoodRead's Challenge. I am 6 books behind as of today! 

2) Listen to at least 1 new audiobook. (This counts as reading too right?) 

I think that will be challenge enough for the month considering we are entering the wedding/summer season and things are about to get busy around here!

What are your goals for the month? Be sure to join the linkup!


  1. Good job on your goals! Yep, staying home saves money indeed! Definitely money in May/June starts floating away faster. My son has so many darn birthday parties to go to! Of course audio books counts as reading, which reminds me to listen to To Kill A Mockingbird.

  2. You did great! Staying home definitely saves. I spent $0 last weekend and it was awesome.
