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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Why you gotta waste my flava?

Good Morning Everyone,

Today I'm going to talk about the people who totally waste my flava.
(P.S.- Totally was in love with Seth Green for like...ever)

The people who give me the side eye for wearing the same jeans two days in a row.

The people who interrupt when you are clearly telling a story. They just go on talking over you like your voice doesn't matter.

People who interrupt you while you are reading to ask, "What are you reading?"

People that call you up on the phone but are having a conversation with someone else at the same time in the background. 

People who stand thisclose to you while you are in the checkout line.

Who wastes your flava? 

*Credit Where Credit is due- This post is adapted from one by Chelsea over at The Girl Who Loved To Write About Life! 

Also Linking up with Kristin and Joey today! 


  1. OMG yes to ALL OF THESE. There is absolutely no shame in wearing the same jeans two days in a row. None. And anyone who dares to interrupt me while reading...oh you've been warned lol.

  2. I have unleashed on people who have stood too close to me in line.

    How do people tell you're wearing the same jeans? I wear black pants almost every day. Some days they're the same, some days they're the same pants but not the same pair I was wearing the day before.
