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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Hello Everyone, 

My apologies for not blogging the past few days, life has been a bit of a mess this past week. So much has gone on...lots of personal things. Also I have been sick the past three days and that doesn't help. Actually,  if you could send good thoughts and good juju this way I would appreciate it. 

I do plan on writing a whole post about Comic Con and will try to get back to regular blogging as soon as possible. Right now my Bloglovin Feed is full of unread items and honestly I am just too overwhelmed to even open it up at this point. However I hope to get back to it soon. 

Until then I miss you all a lot and promise I will do a proper post as soon as I am up to it. 

Have a good day everyone. 


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon and everything starts moving along smoothly! {{hugs}}

  2. Good vibes sent to you from Australia! I mean...that's positivity coming from the other side of the world! :)

  3. Hope everything is going ok girlie. Sending you all the positive vibes :)

  4. Dude. Mark all as read. We've all done it. lol :)
