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Monday, January 12, 2015

The Wonders of a Cleaning Schedule

Good Morning Everyone,

Apologies for the delay in getting this post up. I had planned on working on it yesterday but we had some family stuff come up. Thus I didn't get to work on it until this morning and this morning has been chaos as per normal but finally I am getting to sit down and type this out. Though my time is limited as Kyra will be done with her breakfast shortly!

So last week I decided that I would try out a cleaning schedule. 

I've always kind of thought those were silly and unneccessary. I mean really? You need a schedule for the "at home" stuff too? I'm not sure why but the whole thing just seemed really ridiculous. 

However I have now changed my tone! 

Since I had Kyra and been a stay at home mom I've noticed that while I have the best of intentions in getting things done more often than not I only end up with a bunch of half finished projects and nothing is ever really "completed".  So as the new year began I thought I would go ahead and give a cleaning schedule a shot, I mean a lot of other bloggers swear by them so why not? 

I ended up checking Pinterest for schedules and there were literally THOUSANDS of them. Seriously you can just get really overwhelmed by all the choices. However I did finally settle on one that I thought would work for me via the Fresh Mommy Blog.

I chose this one simply because it looked very simple and to the point. Although my dishwasher hasn't worked in months so I just have to do them by hand. Ah well anyhow last Monday I started the week. 


Before I started this I would always have too many things going. With the schedule I know what I have to accomplish that day. I LOVE that Monday started off with something simple like Laundry. Mostly because Monday's are my crazy day of trying to get readjusted from the weekend madness. As long as I get the laundry done the day feels completed! However if I have a Monday that is a little slower I can do the weekly chore on that day and suddenly I am SUPER MOM! 

I cannot even begin to express how awesome that felt last week when I got my deep vacuuming done of the couch on Monday and knew I had the rest of the week to do the other chores and was ahead of the game. I LOVE being ahead of the game.

This week I feel like it is going to be even easier because I have already really cleaned everything once! Nothing is going for more than a week and thus it will be SO MUCH faster this time around! Also I feel like someone could stop by at any moment and I wouldn't feel so stressed out about the state of things around here. I love that feeling! 

Now I know this is just a recap of week 1 but honestly I feel like this schedule is a game changer. I feel so much more accomplished and focused knowing what chores MUST get done and as long as I get those ones completed then the day is golden. I don't have to do ALL OF THE CHORES ALL OF THE TIME. It's a HUGE relief.

Do you all use a cleaning schedule? Did it change your life too? Am I just late to the party on the wonders of being more focused and organized when it comes to household management? Let me know in the comments! 

Happy Monday!


  1. This is such a great idea. I've toyed around with doing something similar because right now my schedules is clean everything on Sunday. It doesn't work so well for me because sometimes Sunday's I am hungover or just have no will to move off the couch with football going on. If I had a little something done each day Sundays would not be as daunting and miserable!

  2. I never understand why anyone with larger than a one bedroom apartment would try to clean everything on one day. Using a schedule is so much easier. I'm glad last week went well for you!

  3. I need to get a schedule! It just makes everything easier!

  4. I have a feeling I'm going to eventually have to implement a schedule for cleaning. I've gotten better about starting laundry in the morning before I leave for work, after starting it before bed. Or I'm going to hire a maid. I can see one of these things being infinitely easier..... :)
