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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Confessions 1/21

Good Morning Everyone,

Time for Confession!!!

I confess that I had no idea how to "close" an app on my phone. It kept locking up and the battery was draining a I went and looked up the problem and it said I probably had too many apps open and showed me how to close them...apparently hitting the HOME button is not the same as closing the apps....Fail. 

I confess that I am totally freaked out by the prospect of having to clean out the wisdom tooth area with a syringe full of water. Seriously it bothers me there is a hole in my mouth and that I have to stick something that resembles a needle (only not really at all) in my mouth. Just Ick.

I confess that my brother and I have watched about 40 episodes of Will Wheaton's Tabletop on YouTube in two days...


I confess that while I am pretty much over the Red Velvet trend....these cookies are the bombdotcom.

I confess that I am THRILLED to be going to ALL THREE DAYS of Planet Comicon this year!

So that's it for the week, I know it's pretty short but honestly it has been a pretty quiet week this week and I'm really just enjoying getting my house back in order and being pain/wisdom tooth free!

Don't Forget to Linkup!

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo
Making Melissa


  1. It took me a long time to figure out how to "close" apps on my phone too, you are not alone. And don't be grossed out about cleaning out the wisdom teeth holes, be more grossed out about what happens if you don't! I think that's good motivation :)

  2. I was surprised at how many people I knew had apps running in their backgrounds. I habitually close my apps lol And I cleaned my wisdom teeth hole so I know exactly what you are talking about haha
