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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Confessions 12/16

Good Morning Everyone,

It's time for Confession Day!

I confess that I am in slight shock that Christmas is next week....

I confess that up until yesterday I hadn't really gotten into my "Christmas Spirit". I told my husband on Monday that I just wasn't feeling all that cheerful or holiday spirited but yesterday I as I was sitting with Kyra curled up in my lap asleep and staring at my Christmas finally hit me.

I confess that Stephen Colbert's portrayal of Legolas was one of the best things I've seen ever.

I confess that I'm about to lose it when it comes to my neighbors. They have fought literally EVERY DAY for the past week and a half. LOUDLY. They've woken Kyra up at least twice and have pissed me off more times than I can count. Shut up already.

I confess that I got more than a little tipsy over the weekend and it was AWESOME.

That's all I got for today, Happy Hump Day Everyone!

Don't forget the Linkup!!! #HASHTAGHUMPDAY

 #Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo


  1. I still can't believe Christmas is a week away either! Where did 2014 go??? I need it to hit me like it hit you. Also, thank you so much for that Legolas gif - just saw the new Hobbit last night, and well, this beats it! Haha. Thanks for linking up girl!

  2. Still not in the Christmas spirt. This year is just meh
