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Monday, November 24, 2014

The Weekend In Photos

Afternoon Everyone, 

So today for some reason I cannot seem to get the words together to make a blog post. Instead I thought I would share with you the weekend we had in the photos from my phone!

Adorable Baby girl crawled up on the chair and fell asleep all afternoon on Friday. 

Saturday was pretty dreary but we still snapped photos of this cutie. She loved these bunny sculptures and wanted to give the bunny a kiss! (My amazing parents are also pictured. They had not seen her in a week and they were so happy to spend the day with her!)

The most amazing cocoa I have EVER had....curtesy of Cocoa Dolce. I will be doing a post on this place!! 

They gave us these as samples....OMG I died. Blackberry, Tahitian Vanilla, and Coconut Caramel

Next door to the amazing Cocoa Dolce was Fat Brain Toys. Look at my little Master Chef!

After our walk in the rain we headed to the mall for some silly fun times....

A super fun weekend all in all! Have a great Monday Everyone!


  1. Sleeping baby... presh!!!!!!!
    Macarons steal the spotlight though... MY FAVORITE!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend and how cute is she???
