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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

#Blogtober14~ Favorite Quote

Good Morning Everyone!

I'm back! I totally failed on the blogging the past three days and I have no excuses other than I just was busy and didn't get around to posting! However today I am back to blogging and back to #Blogtober! 

I actually decided to use the prompt for tomorrow today since tomorrow is my Confession Day and honestly I cannot remember my funniest childhood memory....there were lots of funny memories! 

Today's Prompt: Favorite Quote

My favorite quote is pretty long actually and it is of course from a book. 

~Velveteen Rabbit

This quote is just beautiful to me. Even when I heard it as a child I loved it. We all grow and change and by the time we get to where we are going we are rarely the same as we started out but when you love someone you don't mind the flaws. True love is just love and only those that cannot love cannot see it. 

Have a Happy Tuesday Everyone!

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