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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Weekend Recapish

Good Morning Everyone,

I'm still not feeling super awesome with the cold and now with my ankle deciding to be a pain, but thank you all for your awesome comments yesterday and well wishes. You all made the day so much better!!! 

Today I thought I would share the pictures from the past weekend in a weekend recap type thing, and by thing I mean that I only have pictures from our trip to Ren Fest on Saturday.....

So here we go:

So this is My Fairy House that I submitted at RenFest. This is pretty much the first creative project (non writing) that I have ever finished all on my own!
(Back View)
Of course this is my parents' submission. Do you see the Epicness? Yeah, THEY have talent. I missed that gene...

That is a Willow root, and lots of gourds that they grew in the garden and then painted to perfection.

Isn't that just awesome?

This is one of the other submissions at the Fest....You can't see it in this picture but there is a tiny book on a bench that is titled "Fifty Shades of Fey" ....Hilarious!

Another Submission...So Adorable!

And Another.....

And Another....Seriously SO MUCH TALENT and CREATIVITY!

I love the roof on this one! Awesome Submission.
Then I took one of the fairies home. Isn't she so cute with her Pop Pop (my dad) ?!?!

Kyra clearly thought this mermaid was hilarious.....
This is my little 15 month old looking like she is all grown up....STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
And because I am turning into one of "those" girls....a shameless Selfie.....

So there you have it, Hope Everyone is having a great day, be sure to come back tomorrow for Confession Day!!!!

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