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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday Confessions 6/24

Good Morning Everyone,

It's Wednesday and you know what that means....

Vodka and Soda

...I've been riding the pre "Moon Sickness" crazy train. I've been bouncing from Happy to Crazy in less time than it takes to blink. I'd apologize to my poor husband....if he weren't so annoying.
Ha love it!

...No matter how many times I have read the books or seen the movies I still bawl like a baby during the sad parts of Harry Potter. The hubs and I watched the last two movies the other day and seriously just buckets and buckets of tears. I love you Harry.

...I never expected to be one of those people that want Starbucks all the time but damnit I cannot go into Target without wanting my Caffe Espresso Frappucino. I do not understand why it is so addicting, but...

....I spent yesterday curled up on the couch with Kyra listening to my newest audio book and practicing my knitting. I lead a very crazy lifestyle.

....This is how I feel when I think about putting on a swim suit at any point during this summer...
Story of my life.

... I saw these and immediately thought "COSPLAY!!!!" Because I am a Nerd.
Gorgeous green Nicholas Kirkwood ivy heels

...I open my Facebook news feed and see a post on the new "C-String" (You can google it if you wanna, I'm not putting that on my page) and all I can think is.....ew
Raise your hand if "ew"

Okay so those are the confessions this week! Make sure you join the linkup for more 'fess up goodness!


  1. Starbucks is my weakness!
    Yes those C-strings are ew.

  2. Somehow the sad parts of movies don't stop being sad, even when you know it's coming. I do the same thing.

  3. i don't want to google c-strings haha. omg the sad parts of the books & movies get me every time - just that gif 'always' gave me cold chills.

  4. I still love (and cry) with all of the Harry Potters! Ever since I saw the first one in theaters and read the books, it's been a giant sob fest! Ron was always my favorite. I don't even wear bathing suits anymore. I seen that C-String thing too. Eww.

  5. Omg the C-string....just stupid...and gross. What's the point even???

  6. I'll take your word for it and not google c-string! No thanks!

  7. Im going to google because well Im curious haha Also your yesterday sounds FAB! Not even kidding that is a perfect day!

  8. I also saw a post about C string and I just shook my head ;)

  9. ain't nothing wrong with doing nothing but laying on the couch and knitting (or in my case, crocheting) :)

    thanks for linking up!

    Vodka and Soda

  10. Starbucks IS addicting! And when you add one inside of a Target... HOW COULD ANYONE SAY NO?!

  11. i was just thinking this morning that a starbucks frappucino sounded really good... but i'm going to have a peanut butter milkshake instead. #oops also, off to google c-string now, i'm kind of scared though!
