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Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday Five- How is it May 2nd?

Good Afternoon Everyone!

So this post is going up later today because it has been busy around here! However now we are ready so let's dive into it! It's Friday!


Wednesday I registered for my first official 5K! My Mum is a Breast Cancer Survivor and so is her sister. Also my Two of my Great Aunt's as well. We are a family of fighters! It is on August 10th and hopefully will not be as hot as Satan's living room....but with Missouri weather it either will be or it will be the temperatures of the Sub Arctic.  No Joke.

Susan G. Komen Greater Kansas City


I started a specific YouTube channel for this blog! I will be posting my April Favorites soon!


I have an Instagram and Twitter now. You all told me to just try it so I went ahead and signed up for it. However if all you get is pictures of my baby, well just remember you all asked for it!



I found an outfit for the graduation tomorrow! There was no crying in the dressing room and it is a full TWO SIZES SMALLER. No joke ladies, It's a size 16. I will be posting pictures of it tomorrow as it is adorable and amazing and makes me feel like a freaking Sexy Goddess! Too Fabulous!
Too fabulous to be pet by you (GIF)


I'm watching Pitch Perfect for the Eleventy Billionth time. #SorryNotSorry
Aca believe it! lol so funny i died laughin at this part in the movie

Oh and I decided I would join the linkup this week!

Song of the week:

Shake It!- Metro Station

Big Hugs from me and Happy Friday Everyone!