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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Now we are 9 Months!

Good Morning Everyone,

It is time for Kyra's monthly update as today she is 9 months old!

New Developments:

Cruising (Pulling herself along stuff, walking will most likely happen soon)

TWO new teeth (top)

Serious growth spurt, she is SO long!

Talking all the time, still just gibberish other than "Mama" and "Dadadadada" (which is always multiple never just "Dada" yet) 


Gerber Puffs- Blueberry, Cheese, and Strawberry 



Crawling after me down the hallway

Spinning in circles

Her nursery and all of her toys

Not as fond of:

Naps or bedtime

Her crib

Strangers (separation anxiety is still full on)

She is growing so fast! I cannot believe that she is already nine months.....She is my little ray of sunshine and we would be lost without her! 

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