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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I don't know how to eat!

Good Morning Everyone!

It is Wednesday, or Hump Day!

Today I am joining the linkup over on Fitness Blondie's blog!

The Hump Day Blog Hop

So if you are here because of the linkup and are new welcome, welcome, if you are an old hat at this, welcome back!

If you have been here before then I apologize for Monday's post and the lack of posting in general this month. I was having that self doubt that all bloggers have from time to time that normally has nothing to do with the blog itself and everything to do with the blogger behind it. I am feeling back to myself again and thus am back to blogging.

Today I will share with you a very big confession (though if you read the title then you already know)

 I don't know how to eat. 

Seriously, I have no idea how to eat in order to be healthy and lose weight. Some days I think I have it but most days I just stand there in front of the fridge or the pantry and stare in there hoping for some divine inspiration.

All the times I have successfully lost weight someone else has kind of been behind it. When I lived with my parents it was my mom. She would cook the meals and I just ate them and never bothered to learn what she was making or how. When I was in college it was thanks to Slim Fast for two meals a day and a yogurt for dinner. (Sick I know but thankfully that was a passing phase) When I was losing weight for my wedding it was the stress of the wedding, hardly being able to eat, and I will admit it some diet pills.  (appetite suppressants really and damn I miss them)

In short I have never really done it the way you are supposed to and thus here I am, not skinny almost nine months post baby and feeling like I am six months pregnant. I have so much trouble finding things to wear and actually avoid going out because I don't want the stress of trying to pick an outfit if they place I am going is not a jeans and t-shirt type place.

I am working out. I go to Zumba twice a week and I have an almost nine month old that keeps me on my toes now that she can crawl around the house and get into EVERYTHING. Also I belong to the Y now and thus I am going to be picking up more classes as they open up.

But food is so confusing to me. My husband always says "make a plan and we will buy the stuff for you" but that is so tricky! We live on a budget and I feel so guilty for buying items that the whole family won't use. Also my will power when making dinner for my husband (who eats basically survives on meat and carbs) is not so great. It is hard to look at a salad and know that is what you get when someone next to you is eating french fries. Please tell me that I am not the only one in this?

I feel so lost. I mean I have picked up diet books and tried to follow their plans but three times a week? Why is all the healthy food so much more expensive??? Frustration!!!!!

So I am putting it to you dear readers, what do you all do? Is there a food plan that a budget-type person can follow? Do you all just say to hell with the budget and go for broke to be healthy? Does anyone else out there not know how to eat or am I alone in the void??? Post your comments!

Happy Hump day Everyone! The weekend is at hand!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how to eat either. I recently joined FB groups to encourage me! Now following you =)
