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Monday, February 3, 2014

Hot Mama Monday- Detox Results!

Good Morning!

Welcome back to Hot Mama Monday!

Let's just dive right into it why don't we?

The Results of my Jillian Michaels Detox!

I will just go ahead and say that I did lose weight on this Detox. In total I lost 9.3 pounds! Now this was primarily water weight and I did continue to work out while on the detox. Also I ate as cleanly as possible but I will be honest that it was not 100 or even 90% clean. I did my best and food is actually going to be my primary focus from here on out.

Now the drink itself is pretty bitter. I know I stated this last week but seriously it is hard to choke down if you are the kind of person that prefers a sweeter drink, or even if you just like plain water. I had to really force myself to drink it a couple of days resulting in drinking 60oz of it by 3pm. I had to run to the bathroom, A LOT. It does um....clean your system? (there is no good way to say that) So be prepared for that and maybe try to do the detox over a weekend to start with so you know what you are getting into.

I will say that by day three I really noticed that I was not bloated and I was even in the middle of my "Moonsickness" and managed to completely reduce my bloating. Actually I will go ahead and say it eliminated bloating. Also I noticed a big improvement with my skin but that is something that is true of any time that you increase your hydration.

All in all I would recommend this if you had a binge week and are looking to get back on track or if you are like me and just need a jump start to the scale to keep your motivation up. However I would not recommend doing this for longer than a week. I extended a bit because I missed a day and it was pretty rough on my system I won't lie. So stick to the week and then take a break, doing this too much will most likely wreck havoc on your system.

I hope this review was helpful and if you tried it let me know! I would love to know others feedback on this!

Big Hugs!

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