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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Little Tuesday Inspiration

Good Morning Everyone!

I saw this Pin yesterday and it got me thinking about what I makes me happy....what things do I really love to do? Being home with Kyra all day is wonderful and being a mom is more rewarding than I ever imagined, but it also gives me the unique opportunity to think about what I really love and what I really want to do....

1) Write- I love writing and I have what I believe is a really good story in my head.  I am going to start really working on it daily and hopefully finish it up! I have wanted to be an author since I was a little girl! I am going to set up a daily word count and listen to Stephen King's On Writing again for a little motivation. If you are a writer please look this book up, it will inspire you to get your thoughts on paper, all that matters is that you keep writing!

2) Blogging- I love blogging, it is relaxing and really helps me think. Sure blogging is similar to writing but at the same time I do not write about the same things that I blog about. Either way I really want to grow this blog into a place where other people will come and enjoy themselves and maybe even start a little discussion. I have high hopes for this little blog!

3) Videos- Okay so for some reason lately I have become really intrigued by the idea of starting a YouTube Channel. I love watching them and I think that some of my experiences might actually be helpful to others. However I do even know where to begin on editing and lighting. This might be a tough one to tackle but I am willing to learn!

4) Zumba- Okay this might seem premature......I mean I still have a lot of weight to lose and it will be a long time before I reach my goal but part of me wonders....could I be a Zumba instructor? It's just a thought that ran around in there a couple of times. Who knows?

5) Being a Thrifty Shopper- I know this one might seem odd but I love it when I hit a good deal and save money! I actually am considering making this a thing on the blog and sharing when I have found a good deal on stuff! I really think if I put in some effort I could really save some big bucks and have fun doing it!

What are the things that make you happy? Sound off in the comments!

Also I am thinking of hosting a linkup this week! I am going to be posting the Ten Books that have Stayed with You. I think it would be fun to see just what books everyone is reading and get some ideas for books that I should add to my reading list!

Would anyone be interested in joining? Send me a message! 

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