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Monday, December 2, 2013

It's the most wonderful time....

Hello everyone!

I apologize for the long break but as per usual life comes first. In fact even now I am blogging from my iPad because there is a baby asleep in my lap!

I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was great, I know ours was but we are still in recovery mode over here. Kyra was an angel the whole weekend but now the poor darling is so exhausted! I will have a full recap tomorrow of our weekend!

Can you believe it is December already?!

In just a few days Kyra will be six months old! It is hard to believe that much time has gone by!

We will be working on our holiday decorations this week and finishing up Christmas shopping. I think the most difficult person to buy for is my husband. He is no help either because he says all he wants are hugs. So frustrating! Especially since I love giving gifts.

No joke I LOVE to GIVE gifts.

It is the best feeling when someone opens something from you and they know you put thought into it. Their face lights up and they get excited! It is the best. My brother B always has awesome reactions to gifts. He is a tough one too but I usually find something he really wanted.

My husband is another story. The things I know he really wants are like guns and stuff I would need help getting. Plus I want something surprising but fun for him....ugh it is like this every year as I try to come up with something! He always gets me nice things, and with my birthday being this month he always goes over board and I feel like I didn't do enough! Hopefully something good will come to me!

Well off the search the cyber Monday deals while little Miss sleeps!

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