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Monday, August 26, 2013

The Monday List

Welcome back friends!

It's been a while since the last post but honestly I am still trying to figure the whole schedule of being a Stay at Home Mom out. I am trying to get some form of structure in place but one day something works and the next day it doesn't. It all sort of depends on how the baby is feeling and how the night before went. As with all things, some are better than the other.

However this morning Miss Kyra is happy in her swing and I am taking the chance to write up a quick blog. I am a big fan of lists and Monday morning seems like the perfect time for a list of all the things that I hope to accomplish this week!

1) Last week I decided that it was time to start really focusing on losing the baby weight/newlywed weight that I put on after the wedding. My goal is to be down forty pounds my Christmas. That will effectively get rid of all the baby weight and ten pounds of newlywed weight. There will still be more to go, but forty is plenty to concern myself with until Christmas. So I will be posting a lot about my efforts to get this weight off with workouts and ....ugh....eating right.

2) Meal Planning- this is a must now that we are on a budget and since I will be working on choosing healthier things so that I can continue on the weight loss wagon.

3) More posts on the blog!

4) Setting up a working but flexible schedule for the baby and I. This includes workout times, nap times (this is just hopeful optimism on my part) and times for daily chores.

Not a long list but there is a lot work that will have to go into each one of those steps! Hopefully I can get at least two of them taken care of! Hopeful Optimism again!

Hope everyone has a good week!

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