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Friday, August 30, 2013

Five on Friday

It's Friday!

Today I am joining the most massive linkup I think I have ever seen....
I have seen this on so many other blogs and I thought, why not me? See I am a good little follower! :P

1) The teething continues.

2) I hope this is true because my yard is overflowing with them....
 3) Umm...yes.
If you wait for inspiration to write... #quotes #authors #writers This is what I am dealing with currently. Now that Kyra is on a pretty normal schedule, and now that I am not working full time, writing is my go to. I am going to finish my book and attempt to get published within the next year. No more waiting!

4) Labor Day Weekend! I have no plans or anything like that but Labor Day signifies one important and amazing thing to me....Halloween is coming!!
Halloween is coming XD
Every year we throw a Halloween party and host a costume contest. We give away prizes and have food and drink and it is AMAZING. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I do love Christmas but it seems to mesh in with my birthday so Halloween is my favorite stand alone holiday! My brothers and my dad already picked out what they want to be and will be starting work on their costumes! Mom already has hers done and ready, and Miss Kyra has hers too! I won't ruin the surprise, but I will tell you that they are amazing!! I have no idea what I am going to be yet but I am working on it!

5) Okay I am about to really show you how Nerdy I am....But I am so excited because this weekend starts...
 Renaissance Festival of Kansas City

Okay so I am excited because I go every year and I just love it! I cannot wait to take the little one too! I know that she won't remember it but honestly it is a tradition now and I just cannot wait!

So there is the Friday Five, Hope everyone has a great weekend! Come back Monday for the beginning of my weight loss journey to loose the baby weight plus more! 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The day the Dryer Died

 My dryer died.

 It all started with the dryer making a really loud banging noise. My handy husband went down to work on it and spent the better part of the day trying to figure out what was wrong and what was making the banging noise. I mean this was crazy loud. Something was loose or of center or something. It actually sounded a lot like when you put tennis shoes in there...however I was not drying shoes, just normal clothes so you can see the problem.

After much turmoil, some swearing, and I think a little bit of appliance abuse, the thing finally gave up the ghost. 

This is actually kind of hilarious since two weeks ago I gave our spare washer and dryer to my little brother for his new apartment. Of course once you give away your backup that is when you need it! I mean seriously I had been hanging on to those for over a year since they were gifted to me and were in really good condition. Still the ones I had were in good condition so I didn't even think twice about giving them up when my little brother needed them! That, my friends, is what you get for being nice! LOL.

Thankfully the city wide garage sales are next weekend. So I will be out there on the hunt for a cheap dryer. Also a changing table....I really think it is time to get a proper one and not just change Kyra on the bed all the time....but I am super picky so who knows if I will find one that I like!

Also my dishwasher is possessed. It gets stuck in random places and I have to give it encouragement to get moving again. Ugh the appliances are turning on me!

Now I'm off to try and get a few things done before Kyra wakes up. She had a rough night with the teething.  Poor baby she is so frustrated and hurting and I feel awful that I can't do more for her. For now all we can do is be armed with Baby Orajel, teething rings, Baby Tylenol, and lots of snuggles and kisses from Mommy!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So What Wednesdays

Welcome back friends!

It is So What Wednesday time again!

1) So what if I can't get anything accomplished the rest of the afternoon because my poor baby is teething and therefore will not take a nap??? This is why I chose to stay home and be with her all the time!

2) So what if this is the entire post because as I said, I can't get anything else done today and Kyra comes first?!

A picture from a happier moment!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Tuesday Top Ten

Morning Everyone!

Today I thought I would try something new! Today I am going to post my top ten Pinterest Pins for the week! I am thinking of making this a weekly post to share things that I have found during the wee hours of the morning when I am doing a late night feeding and browsing the billions of pins! Pins will vary from helpful hints I have found, to workouts, to the just plain funny! Enjoy!

1) This story about this dog is hilarious! I am pretty sure that sometimes my pups feel this way!
 2) I need this in my life...
 The packaging says he changes color when you hold him, too!!
 3) My New Must Have Workout Shirt:

love it
4) I Just Died....Hilarious!

i.just.died. "I didn't choose the boob life..."  
5) Kyra needs this desperately!
 6) I am going to try this schedule!
How To Always Have a Clean House

7) Gorgeous!

8) I so want to try this!

 DIY Dishwasher Tablets:  only 3ยข each and clean to a sparkling shine!

9)  If I ever have free time again....Love the colors!

10) And Now we finish up with Caffeinated Owls...

Caffeinated Owl ChartHappy Tuesday Everyone!

The Monday List

Welcome back friends!

It's been a while since the last post but honestly I am still trying to figure the whole schedule of being a Stay at Home Mom out. I am trying to get some form of structure in place but one day something works and the next day it doesn't. It all sort of depends on how the baby is feeling and how the night before went. As with all things, some are better than the other.

However this morning Miss Kyra is happy in her swing and I am taking the chance to write up a quick blog. I am a big fan of lists and Monday morning seems like the perfect time for a list of all the things that I hope to accomplish this week!

1) Last week I decided that it was time to start really focusing on losing the baby weight/newlywed weight that I put on after the wedding. My goal is to be down forty pounds my Christmas. That will effectively get rid of all the baby weight and ten pounds of newlywed weight. There will still be more to go, but forty is plenty to concern myself with until Christmas. So I will be posting a lot about my efforts to get this weight off with workouts and ....ugh....eating right.

2) Meal Planning- this is a must now that we are on a budget and since I will be working on choosing healthier things so that I can continue on the weight loss wagon.

3) More posts on the blog!

4) Setting up a working but flexible schedule for the baby and I. This includes workout times, nap times (this is just hopeful optimism on my part) and times for daily chores.

Not a long list but there is a lot work that will have to go into each one of those steps! Hopefully I can get at least two of them taken care of! Hopeful Optimism again!

Hope everyone has a good week!

Monday, August 12, 2013

First Last Day

So today I headed back into work. This is my first last day.

You see this week is my last week working. I’ve decided that I am going to be a Stay at Home Mom. It was not an easy decision and it has been an ongoing process but I know it is the right choice for me and my family. I have nothing against those that choose to work; everyone has a different home life and different priorities and obligations. This is just what is going to work best for us.

So this week is my last week at work. I agreed to come in and help out since this is the first week of school and that means that there will be a lot of chaos and a lot of last minute items that will come up and need to be handled. It will just make it easier on everyone in the office if I am there to help with the phones and random questions that will come up. I felt like I needed to be here this week because I really am going to miss everyone and I know they need the extra help this week. They have been so awesome to work with and this whole leaving thing is really bittersweet.

It feels really strange knowing it will be my last couple days here, but at the same time I am really missing Kyra while I am working. I don’t like leaving her, even though she is perfectly safe and being watched by my dad.

Still I miss her.

Getting up this morning and getting ready was a rush, trying to be somewhere on time when you have a baby takes real practice and I have been lucky enough to not have to be anywhere any specific time except the doctor and I just plan on being there an hour early. Work was a different story. I got up and get myself going while Kyra slept and then had to load up my little one and all her necessary items and get her to my parents’ house. It was a bit of an undertaking but thankfully she slept right through it. Of course I had been up since three am with her having to feed and rock her back to sleep. Then I had to pump to make sure I would not explode while at work today. I am glad that this won’t be something I have to do every day.

In other news:

I plan to be a lot more active on the blog now that I will be staying home. Hopefully during nap times I can get on here and post about the adventures that are sure to take place now that I will be caring for Miss Kyra full time! Also I will begin to post about my journey to lose the baby weight. I know I gained 30 pounds during the pregnancy and when I left the hospital I had lost 15 of those pounds. I am not sure where I am right now but I do know that my goal is to be back in my size 14s by Christmas. I am currently an 18 thanks to the stretched out post baby belly, but I don’t really mind. I feel so very blessed to have my little girl that I am just grateful to my body that it carried her. I don’t mind the stretch marks even. Each one is a sign that my body did its job. I do want to fit into smaller clothes and I do want to tighten the muscles back up but I have to say, after having a baby I have a new appreciate for my body, but that is for a whole other post!

Huggles! And here is an adorable baby pic from Kyra's first photoshoot this past weekend!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

2 Months Old

Good Morning!

This post is about a week late as Kyra is now 9 weeks old, but I thought it would be fun to do a little update on how she is doing!  (Beware this is going to have a lot of pictures!) I cannot believe that I have a 2 month old! Where is the time going??!!

My heart feels like it is going to explode from all the love. I swear I have never been so deeply and utterly lost to myself.  

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”
-She is starting to sleep through the night but I still have to wake her for feedings. Fortunately she usually goes back to sleep after eating. 
-She is still wearing newborn clothes and is in a size 1 diaper that I have to fold to fit her.
-She is nursing still but we are starting to supplement. (I will do a post on this later) 
-She loves bathtime.
-She is starting to really like the swing but her favorite is the bassinet in my parents' pack n' play, She loves the little elephant on the mobile
-Smiles and coos. Also I have caught a little giggle here and there.

Also look how amazingly cute this little panda girl is!

Seriously how cute is this little one????