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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Life in Dogs Pt 3

The puppies are here! 

These three little ones came into our lives four weeks ago. 
The fastest four weeks ever actually….
You see Bella our rescue went into heat apparently….and Ryder is her very best friend…. well apparently he got to her before we managed to get them separated and well…you know how the story goes! 
So about four weeks and a day ago Mom makes the comment that she is pretty sure Bella is going to have pups. Dad plans on making an appointment with the vet for the next day. 
The next day dad is walking by Bella’s dog house and hears a noise. 
We have puppies! 
Bella delivered all three pups and had them cleaned and nursing with no problems at all. We were so proud of her.  
We immediately moved mom and babies into the front porch so we could watch over them and keep them warm. Also Ryder was completely confused by the appearance of the pups and we thought it best to keep the new dad away from the little ones. 
So here we are four weeks down the road and the puppies are growing like little weeds. They now play and bark and wrestle. They love people and are just beginning to eat little bits of solid food. They will continue to nurse until they are eight weeks and that will be the time that they will leave momma. 
Just check out these little cuties! This is what I have been spending my mornings and after work doing….

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