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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Baby Update

How Much Longer: 14 weeks

Baby Size: Large head of cabbage....It's so weird they compare it too food husband doesn't quite get it :P
Maternity Clothes: Mixing both non and maternity shirts, and wearing either leggings or my one pair of maternity jeans...and bras....oh my god I have porn star boobs....I am up to a double E...
Stretch marks: Little white ones I've had since forever....weight gain and loss takes a toll

Weight gain:  11 lbs
Sleep: Off and on...some nights are fine and others are horrid. Baby kicks the most right at bed time
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing her kick the remote control on my belly
Movement: Lots more movement now and every which way

Food Cravings:Only for chocolate milk as per usual though meat is particularly popular lately

Gender: GIRL!  
Belly Button in or out: In  
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not so much lately but she does like to move up my rib cage and make it hard to breathe
Wedding ring on or off: On. 
What I miss:  The occasional drink, not getting winded going up the stairs
What I am looking forward to:I actually had a dream about her being in the house the other night. Like me actually holding my baby girl....It's a moment that I am longing for.
Nursery: As stated previously last week, I'm still not into it yet....
Emotions: Happy and hormonal as well. I tear up a lot, but still overwhelmingly happy! 

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