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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

So What Wednesday

So What?
Well I thought I would be a bandwagon hopper today and post a “SO WHAT WEDNESDAY” post! It seems like a lot of fun and I get a real kick out of what other people post on this matter!
Here goes!
So What?
-          If I finished an entire box of Mac and Cheese myself for dinner?
-          If I had a whole day off and the dining room table is still covered in paperwork?
-          If I spent most of the day watching You Tube and playing around with makeup stuff?
-          If this morning I decided to just go with my natural curly hair instead of fiddling with the flat iron?
-          If I only have 4 maternity tops and I wear them over and over again? I can’t see spending a whole lot on them and besides…the weather has been way too bad to be out shopping for clothes!
See now that was fun! Sometimes you just need to get things out there and let them go and not dwell on them any longer! I give myself permission to not be a perfect person. I am allowed to slip up and fall once in a while. It’s okay.

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