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Thursday, February 28, 2013

So I'm a Nerd

Am I a nerd? Um yes! Honestly I have no issues with this label. I mean come on….I own over 300 My Little Ponies, Geek out over Tokidoki characters, and still believe that FF7 is the most awesome game ever. In addition I quote Harry Potter, LOTR, Doctor Who and various other randoms all the time. However I hate Math. Hate it. Numbers are not my friends. Words=Good and Numbers=Bad. However even minus the math love I am a nerd. Now here is a little bit of awesomeness that I want to share with you!

  “The Nerdist Way” by Chris Hardwick  is a super amazing book for anyone who suspects that they may in fact be a nerd. It is also an amazing book for those of us that over analyze…everything. Plus it is hilarious, which is always a bonus.Now the book is basically a guide or big book of suggestions if you prefer that is meant to help you use your nerdy brain to better help you in life instead of letting it keep you stuck in the same over analyzed and in my own personal case-paralyzed state. I tend to have issues making decisions for fear that I will make the wrong one, this is an entire section in the book and I cannot tell you how much better I felt knowing that other people out there deal with this. I am not the only person who can stare at Netflix for hours and watch nothing because I cannot commit! Huzzah! 

One of my favorite parts is something that has been said before but for some reason seems a lot more manageable when Chris talks about it. “Start the Process” is basically the idea that you need to just start something. Stop stressing about if it is good enough or if it is perfect BEFORE YOU EVEN WRITE A WORD! (as a writer this is my big issue, I label things as “crappy” before I even put them on paper and therefore a lot of things don’t get written and I have empty notebooks laying around that annoy the fiancĂ© a bit) You need to start the process and get things going. So what if the first draft sucks? That is why it is the “first” draft and not the final. No one ever has to see the first draft but you if you so choose. So go ahead and write crappy things, in fact just enjoy the fact that you can come up with the worst ideas ever! (After all would we have gems like Sharktopus if we didn’t have people that were okay with things that were ridiculous?) Own the awesomeness of your work whether it is in fact awesome or is in fact a complete mess.

Right now I am trying to use “Start the Process” I am getting back into blogging and writing without judging my work the moment I go to write it down. I am in fact writing off the cuff and finding that it is in fact very liberating and I am quite pleased with what has been forming on the page. Writing has always been my favorite and I tend to be fairly decent at it, but I always forget that. For some reason my brain can easily convince me that I have nothing to say and therefore should say nothing at all. This is complete crap when I think about it rationally.  However my brain is very rarely rational so therefore times when I hit this clarity are few and far between. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

So What Wednesday

So What?
Well I thought I would be a bandwagon hopper today and post a “SO WHAT WEDNESDAY” post! It seems like a lot of fun and I get a real kick out of what other people post on this matter!
Here goes!
So What?
-          If I finished an entire box of Mac and Cheese myself for dinner?
-          If I had a whole day off and the dining room table is still covered in paperwork?
-          If I spent most of the day watching You Tube and playing around with makeup stuff?
-          If this morning I decided to just go with my natural curly hair instead of fiddling with the flat iron?
-          If I only have 4 maternity tops and I wear them over and over again? I can’t see spending a whole lot on them and besides…the weather has been way too bad to be out shopping for clothes!
See now that was fun! Sometimes you just need to get things out there and let them go and not dwell on them any longer! I give myself permission to not be a perfect person. I am allowed to slip up and fall once in a while. It’s okay.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Super Snowflakes

Good Morning,

Just in from walking the pups and that is some serious snow out there! I came in completely covered and once the snow melted my hair was soaked....looks like we are in for some serious weather for the day!

Very glad that I am home and safe and blogging from my bed.

Less glad that my husband has been out all night working and I have no idea when he will be home or when will be a safe time for him to travel.

Actually that is pretty much the only reason I am awake right now since normally, knowing I wouldn't have to be at work, I would be sleeping happily in my bed and trying to not move much so I don't move into an uncomfortable position. Which is the most dangerous thing I have found when it comes to sleeping while pregnant.

I hope everyone else is safe in the storm and while it worries me that my guy is out there in it...part of me still feels like a little kid....I love snow. Something about the pristine look of it...before anyone walks on it and fills it with's probably the closest thing to perfection....

Uh oh...I'm starting to get poetic and writery....better stop now!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Snow will be the death of us!/ Monday Madness

So it’s Monday, which by itself is enough to make anyone cranky but throw in some “blizzard” threats and it really makes the day awesome! 
I work for a school district so snow is a big deal, and all day long everyone is checking the radar and scanning the weather waiting to see if we all will have to call school for the day. It gets very tedious and you get tired of everyone asking. Plus I work in the department that actually does the call off so it makes it even more fun for me! 
Everyone acts like it will be the end of the world with a little bit of snow, hoarding food and such, but it all seems like madness to me. I’m thinking that school will be called tomorrow though…if we get any of the weather they claim we are going to get! 
In other news….
This morning was a blur. I had made sure I would be completely prepared for today by setting out my clothes and showering last night but it still was a rush around this morning. Here’s a rundown: 
6:30am- Alarm goes off and Bobby heads to work; I get up and start the whole routine of face wash/contacts/ and general waking up
6:45- Time to let Brian Dog out. He is put out on the lead while I feed the girls and start the dishwasher and do a little general kitchen pickup while getting my breakfast. 
6:50-7:00- Eat breakfast and set up the vanity with the daily makeup selection. Let Brian back in and give him his morning pill, everyone gets a puppy treat and then I am off to try to make my face look presentable for the public. 
7:25- Done with makeup and my hair takes like five seconds to brush out and go with it since I did it the night before
7:30- The dogs have destroyed one of the new toys we bought them and there is fluff and stuffing everywhere. Pick up the stuffing or at least the big bits and run the vacuum to get the rest. Well at least my house looks super clean now….
7:45- Run out to start the car so it is warm
7:50- Getting the puppies ready, Brian is gated in and Luna is put in the kennel since she is a destroyer of all things. Kiya is the spoiled pup that gets to go with me to my parents’ house to spend the day in doggie daycare. Make sure the other two have food and water and each one gets a bone to chew on while I am gone for the day
8:00- Head out the door with Kiya in tow. Apparently there has been some sort of accident on the road we normally take so I backtrack and take an alternate route while calling my husband to make sure he isn’t the one in the accident. Paranoid I know. He’s fine and tells me to be safe on the gravel road out to my parents’. 
8:20- The backtrack took a bit longer but I make it to mom’s, visit a moment but she has had a rough night so I don’t stay too long. Leave Kiya there to play with the mom’s dogs and head toward work. 
8:45- clock in and start my day of fielding calls about snow days 
See? Super crazy Monday morning and I even had my outfit picked up and my hair ready to go the night before! Of course I could have skipped the whole vacuum and let it wait until I got home later but I wanted my husband to come home to a clean house. I am glad I did too since I found out he had to come home early only to be called back in so he can work through this blizzard tonight! So I will be up most of the night worried about him….fun times, fun times. 
**Update** School was called for tomorrow! Snow Day for me!! 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Where do we go from here?

Every time I here that phrase I start singing the song from the Buffy Musical. Love me some Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

I actually got to go to the Buffy Sing Along when I was in college, it was one of the best nights ever!


So where do we go from here?

I have been thinking about this blog post for four days now while I have been snowed in. Yes I am one of those that got the brunt of Winter Storm Q and am apparently in store for Winter Storm Rockies or Rocky...or whatever.

I've been thinking about where this blog is going and why I even bother.

To be honest I was very hurt that no one commented on my last post. Aside from no comments about the comments about the struggle with my mom stung the most.

I realize that the blog isn't about comments, it isn't a popularity contest.

Still hurt though.

So now I've been thinking on it. I love to blog. It is the only way I get any writing done lately. My book is quickly gathering dust since my pregnancy has taken over my life and the other aspects of my life have taken over whatever time I had. Actually my last post went over all the reasons why I haven't had much time for other things so I am not going to go into it.

So where do I go? It sucks that no one commented and apparently the only page views I've been getting lately are my own.

But I love to write. I need it.

So F*** it.

I'm just going to write what I want to and when I want to, I'm going to be honest and blunt and pretty much just fill these posts with the things that I need to, since I'm going to only write for me now. If someone wants to read it...awesome, but I am not going to count on it anymore. Also I know that some bloggers offer "Sponsorships" and that is great for them. I am glad that they can make extra cash with their blogs and get their names out there, but I am not going to pay someone else to put me out there. I'm good just doing it on my own. So polite pass on that.

So Where do I go from here? Well I am still working that out, but either way I'm sticking it out baby.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Big 'Ol UPDATE Post

So I've been MIA for almost a month now.

Lots has happened lately and blogging has taken a back seat to everything. However the urge to write has called again and so I am back today on my paid holiday to update all of you out there.

First the heavy stuff-

1) My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was a shock and a very rough thing to deal with. Normally I would not have brought this up on the blog. I mean despite the fact I write about my life for all to see some things are just meant to be private. However this is a huge thing in my life and it is something that I just can't "not" talk about. Mom has had two surgeries and things are looking very optimistic. We will know more tomorrow about what the future holds but for now, we just keep swimming!

2) My boss lost his son very suddenly. Things at work have been very intense and sad. He is still dealing with this loss and we are all just trying to be supportive. However the loss of a child is something that I can't even fathom so all I try to do is be supportive. Please keep him in your thoughts. His son was only 28 (my age) and leaves behind a wife and 8 month old daughter. Again please keep him in your thoughts.

Okay now on to lighter things. I just wanted you all to know what was going on and why I haven't been around or commenting.

Pregnancy update stuff-

1) I am 22 weeks! Here's a picture of the bump!!

I have gained a total of 6 pounds so far! (Thanks morning sickness and flu!) Honestly I am slightly pleased with this number because I was terrified I would let myself go all out and get just HUGE. Thankfully I have tried to make good choices with food and I try to walk every day.  Though my boobs are still threatening to take over....not to get TMI but seriously...I have gone up two cup sizes! I wasn't a small girl to begin with so...yeah. Of course my husband is I guess there is always an upside.

I have another appointment next week to see how Baby K is coming along but right now things are good. I am finally at the point where I don't feel sick all the time and the bump is coming in nicely and everyone is really starting to notice that there is a baby on the way!

My husband was gone last weekend and when he got home he saw me and said, "Wow, you look pregnant!" I just laughed and asked him if he thought I'd been making it up the whole time!

Now I'm being informed however that it is time for me to start my registry and get ready for the baby shower! Being a new mom I have no idea what it is that I really need so if any of you moms out there have advice I would really love to know what you think is completely necessary and what is something I don't need at all. I openly welcome advice at this point!!!!

Okay that about sums up everything for now. Hopefully I can get my other post ideas shaped up and in line for the rest of the week.

Quick question- Would anyone be interested in a makeup post? I am kind of a makeup addicted gal and I have been watching these "Get Ready with me" videos and thought that might be something fun. Anyone have an interest??? Just let me know!