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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Motherhood

Hello Everyone!
So now that the New Year has arrived so have all the resolutions and weight loss commercials. I am no stranger to the desire to start off the New Year with a bang and start on the “I will lose those 10 pounds this year!” bandwagon. However since there is this whole baby making process going on I am not resolving to lose the weight right now. 

Actually right now I am simply trying to keep food down (which amazingly I have been able to do for four days now!) and start moving more so that once I can start eating normally again I don’t suddenly blow up with weight gain! I am starting to have a little more energy now and that will go a long way toward getting me up and going. I spent New Year’s Eve cleaning out the closet to purge clothes I never wear and put away things I know I won’t be wearing for the next six months. Everyone kept saying I was “nesting” but I think it is too early for that….I think it was more just being fed up with everything being in the way and not being able to find clothes in the mess. Now it is neat and organized and I feel complete again. 

The dishes are another story…I avoid them and hate them with a passion. Thankfully I was able to convince my husband to take charge of that chore for me and he did a fantastic job! I can now enter my kitchen without a panic attack! 
In addition to the moving more and hitting up my treadmill more regularly…does anyone have any pre natal workouts that they loved or would be willing to loan out? I really want to make sure I don’t gain crazy weight with this kiddo and that after I deliver I am able to get things going back strong again so I can be one of the hot mommies…just email me if you have any info! 
And now a touchy subject….
Pregnancy is a big deal. It’s a huge life changing event and it takes up a lot of my brain space lately. Other moms get this…but when you have friends that are not married and have no kids and basically can still do whatever they want….they do not get it. I realize that I probably bore people with my talking about it…but it is a major event that is happening in my life….and honestly if I can sit and listen to you complain about a bank teller or cry because last week’s hookup didn’t call, you should be able to handle a little baby talk. 
Now the flip side. 
Being a mom is not my only identity and I do not plan for it to be. Yes I talk about it a lot, but I am still the same person. I still love movies, travel, going out, and being part of the world. It hurts when I am excluded from events because “I’m pregnant” and cannot drink. I still socialize and if you recall…I didn’t drink that much in the first place! Also…just because you might not feel comfortable inviting me because of the baby….that doesn’t mean you should exclude my poor husband! Trust me, he would love a break and would love to get out and do things before he settles into his responsibility as a father. I don’t mind him going out and having fun without me, he works hard and I trust him without a doubt…he should be able to enjoy going out! 
Okay my rant is over. I apologize…I just needed to vent a bit. 
Now something funny I stumbled on while surfing Pinterest:   

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