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Monday, April 10, 2017

Currently.....April 2017

Working on: Everything pretty much. My house needs cleaning, I have a mountain of work to do. I have blog posts that need to be edited and scheduled. I have pictures that need to be uploaded and saved to files. It is just a never ending to do list around here! 
Image result for my life is like that rihanna song
Watching: I haven't really been watching all that much TV lately but we did start watching Harlots on Hulu and I'm enjoying it so far. Also started Cosplay Melee and am really enjoying that one as well. 
Image result for Harlots

Image result for Cosplay Melee

Reading: I actually just got a whole stack of books that came in off my holds list but haven't started any yet. I'm looking forward to them though! 
Image result for I just want to read

Loving: Our season passes to the KC zoo! The weather was lovely this past weekend and we decided to pack a lunch and go spend the day. It was so relaxing because we didn't have to hurry because if we didn't get the entire thing seen in one day we would just catch it the next time! We actually did finish the whole thing but that was only because it was such a gorgeous day!

Excited About: Planet Comicon of course! It's coming up at the end of the month and I can't wait to see some awesome cosplay and meet some amazing creators! 
Image result for planet comicon

Don't Forget tomorrow is the Show Us Your Books Linkup! 

Life According to Steph

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