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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Currently.....December 2016

Working On: Getting through all the Show Us Your Books linkup posts and the Best Books of 2016 post!
Image result for books gif

Watching: A bunch of YouTube Vlogmas videos because I love looking in on the day to day lives of strangers I guess. Also Christmas Movies. All of them.
Image result for grinch gif

Reading:  Life, Love and Lemon Pie is on the nightstand right now but I'm also like half started on six others. I can't seem to settle down to a book this week.
Image result for book gif

Loving:Lipton Black Tea Vanilla K cups. Seriously these are a game changer. So delicious! I only had a little sample of two and I am already trying to hunt down more!
Image result for black tea vanilla k cup

Excited: About the holidays of course but mostly for Kyra to open her presents on Christmas morning. She is old enough now to start really getting excited about Christmas and Santa!
Image result for elf gif

So what are you up to Currently?


  1. SANTA!! I KNOW HIM! i love that movie so much!

    I'm super stoked for Christmas day; Kayla looks at her presents EVERY DAY and wants to touch them so bad LOL.

  2. I haven't even started reading SUYB yet. One day.. One day I will get to this. I swear. Ugh. Why is December such a CF on my calendar?
