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Monday, November 14, 2016

In Which it is Monday Again

This weekend was short but sweet. Robert was gone (deer season) so it was just Kyra and me at the house this weekend. We spent it happily watching Disney movies, Musicals, Reading, and going to the park enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having here. I didn't get many pictures because instead I was playing with my little lady and just enjoying myself, but here are the ones that I managed to snap. 
Swings are the favorite right now. I cannot get over how tall she is though!

She loves SnapChat filters. So cute.

So now it is Monday again and it feels like the kind of Monday that requires a bit of motivation to get the week going. So here is your Monday Motivation post.

We are dying over this. #motivation #workouts #health:

Remember what you are... #wisdom #affirmations:

 Everyone needs love & positivity ☺️  I used to say this everyday...and I hadn't ever read this.:

Have a Great Day Everyone.


  1. nice butt lol
    i still love swings, so i can understand the favouritism :)

  2. Kyra does love herself some snapchat filters and that's just so adorable. It's great y'all are still getting outdoors before the cold makes you want to hibernate.
