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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Musical Confessions

I confess that pretty much anything musical will get stuck in my head.....for years.

I confess that while driving the other day I suddenly remembered all the words to Walker Texas Ranger's opening theme. What is that? WHY?

I confess that because of setting it to a musical rhythm I can say the alphabet backwards without any trouble at all.

I confess that I was in several musicals in high school. I remember all my songs....and all my lines.

I confess that stage makeup and costumes always look slightly frightening....
Little Shop of Horrors Do-Wop Girl---I was Crystal.

I confess that I know the preamble due to School House Rock. Seriously I wish I would have set all my homework to music...I would have had no trouble remembering then.

I confess that musicals are what I prefer to watch while I'm sick. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is my favorite sick day musical.

I confess that I actually got my first part in a musical without trying out. They had a girl quit and they needed a high I got a phone call at home that night and they asked if I would be willing to participate. I was pretty flattered and thought Why Not? And thus my school musical career began. 

I confess that while writing this I was listening the the Little Shop of Horrors Soundtrack. I can still nail the soprano! 

Happy Humpday Everyone!


  1. I confess that I tried (and failed miserably) to say the alphabet backwards when I read that part of your post.
    I LOVE the picture of you in stage make-up and costume.

  2. I wish there was a photo of me somewhere as one of the singing girls from Little Shop.. Whatever you do, DON'T FEED THE PLANTS!

  3. OMG YES SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS!!!! calamity jane is another favourite of mine (i just LOVE howard keel so much). as for myself, i am not musical at all, completely tone deaf. i can barely say the alphabet the right way let alone backwards. haha jk.
