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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

What I Read: May 2016 Edtion

May was a rough month and basically I only got two books done. I started lots but just couldn't focus enough to finish them. However June has been a great month for reading (it's just too hot to do much else) so next month's linkup should be more exciting. 


The Creativity Challenge: Design, Experiment, Test, Innovate, Build, Create, Inspire, and Unleash Your Genius by

Your Beauty Mark: The Ultimate Guide to Eccentric Glamour by

Life According to Steph


  1. i don't know much about Dita except for that quote where she talks about peaches, and that always stuck with me.. like being and liking yourself is more important than other people liking you, and i like that. so i think it's cool that she is undeniably herself as well, though i'm with you - makeup everyday sounds like a recipe for horrible skin to me hahaha. i like to be bare faced most of the time!

  2. Dita is interesting. I didn't know she did her own makeup!

  3. I'm not a big Dita fan, per se, but I think I'd find a book about her life with some beauty tips thrown in rather interesting.

    I do what I want.

  4. I think Dita is so gorgeous and love the retro glam look, although I've never been able to pull it off. I also love how true to herself she appears to be. That is awesome, because so many people today are so uncomfortable in their own skin. I couldn't do the corset (or high heels) though. I have a low pain tolerance! LOL!

  5. I look at Dita similar to the way that I look at Dolly Parton. (well, Dolly is more talented with that whole plethora of songwriting skills) But, I mean the look, the image. They own it. They embrace it. They are unapologetically who they are. I love that.
