Dear Keys,
Please stop hiding from me. I am exhausted from trying to find my purse, on the table, even in the key bowl! Stop please, you are just delaying everything and setting my teeth on edge every time you pull this stunt.
Dear Cobwebs,
I swear I clean you all the time but you always make a grand appearance when I have guests over no matter what I do. Get out or start paying rent.
Dear Netflix,
Stop asking me if I am still watching after 3 episodes. You are meant for binge watching. That is the brilliant thing about you. No commercials, great content, no waiting! You are so wonderful and amazing but this stopping after every three episodes no matter the length of the show has to go. If you must ask then ask after the tenth episode because by then I might actually consider doing something else....but I doubt it.
Dear Phone Commercial with the guy that pours champagne on his phone,
You suck and this commercial is BEYOND stupid. Stop it. Just Stop it.
Dear Instagram,
Why did you ruin a good thing? You ruined us. I hate missing posts....I hate algorithms telling me what I like best. The new logo is ridiculous and looks childish. Also NOTIFICATIONS SUCK. I'm over it. I'm over you.
Dear Grass,
Please stop growing so much every time it rains. We mow, it rains, and the next day you are two foot tall again. This is not a jungle, you can't shoot up like that every few days! Seriously, Chill.
Have any Unsent Letters you want to send today?