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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What I Read....March 2016 Edition

Staked by Kevin Hearne- I've been reading the Iron Druid series for a while now and this was book 8 of what I believe will be a 10 part series. I have to say that while normally I am usually sad to see a series end I am feeling that this one might have reached the point where it needs to finish. This book dragged on for me and I'm getting tired of some of the characters. Namely the main female character. I should like her, a strong female character that can hold her own in a fight...but honestly her chapters are TEDIOUS. I tire of her constant rambling. Also I feel like this series kind of lost me when it began writing from three different character POVs. If each character is interesting and can hold it's own then the different POV might work...however I found myself dreading the next time I would have to read from the female character's POV and even at times the third character (though at least he has some funny one liners). I miss just reading about the main character's adventures and if this is the route the series is going then I am just ready for a big finale and to be finished.

The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan- This book was pretty much what I expected from Tan. It read a bit like Joy Luck but without the stories really matching as well. I found myself getting bored and putting this one down in favor of other books. I liked the story line of her mother in China but then again China fascinates me and might not be as interesting for those that aren't. Not a bad book just slow.


Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman- Once again I love Gaiman's style. I loved learning about  the hidden world that is between the real world. People and places that fall between the cracks of our reality. The world building in this novel was probably the best part. I love the fantasy and simply magical aspect of it. I will say that it took a REALLY long time to like the main character... and in the end I only liked him A BIT more than at the beginning. Not my favorite of Gaiman's work (The Graveyard Book is by far my favorite) but still a good read all in all.

Monstrous by MarcyKate Connolly- I will admit I picked this book up purely because the cover drew me in, I saw it at Barnes and Noble and immediately put it on my holds list. This book was really well done. I loved Kymera from the very beginning and while it was predictable in who the villain was that didn't ruin the story at all. The world built in this book is fantastic and I love a good fantasy. The ending to this one was not the ending I wanted but that doesn't mean it wasn't a great ending. A fairly quick read since it is a YA book but if you are into fantasy and YA fiction then I would say pick this one up!

Tampa by Alissa Nutting- This book was MESSED UP. Seriously. Even more messed up that YOU and that is about psycho killer. This book is one that I almost hesitate to admit I read because the subject matter is pretty rough. Basically this is about a female sexual predator. She is a teacher and preys upon her 8th grade male students. See? MESSED UP. The problem is while this book has some really graphic scenes and the subject matter is really hard to read though...this book is really well done. It is well written and while you are completely disgusted with the main still want to keep reading because you are drawn in by the writing. If you can stomach this type of thing this book is actually worth checking out simply because the writing style is so well done. Though if you give it a pass I totally understand!

Some pretty decent books this past month! I can't wait to see what you all have read! Be sure to join the linkup and share your recent reads! 

Life According to Steph


  1. I'm crediting Bonesetter's Daughter to a read for my book challenge. It's not one you originally picked, but it works. I know you kinda gave up on it, and I'm cool with that. Selfishly, I just like to add up at the end the number of challenge books read.

    I can see why the cover of Monstrous won you over.

    I regularly read "MESSED UP" books, but I admit that I have to pass on this one. I'll read about psycho killers, rapists, stalkers, corruption and abuse of power...but...I can't read about teachers/students. Because, I was one of those students. It's something that I've healed a lot from, but reading a book on that subject for entertainment is not a place that I'm willing to go.

    1. I should also note that I am not bothered at all by others that read Tampa. It's just not something I personally can do.

  2. I am actually super intrigued by Tampa now. Neverwhere sounds really good too!

  3. I didn't realize there was a new book in the Iron Druid series. It's not one of my favorite series but I'll check it out when I get a chance. The bad part is I can't remember what happened in the last book. Argh. I wasn't overly in love with American Gods, but I'm willing to give Neil Gaiman another shot. He is a great writer. I love the cover on Monstrous too and it sounds like my kind of book, so it's definitely making the list.

  4. I couldn't get through Bonesetter.

    Tampa was a great read despite the hideous subject.

  5. Steph and I talked at length about Tampa on a podcast episode. We both kept coming back to the fact that while it was a horrible, terrible, AWFUL subject, she's such a great writer that it made you want to keep reading (and, fun fact, the author is now married to my favorite author, Dean Bakopoulos).

  6. i have that iron druid series on my list, it takes a lot for me to start a series that long, i feel like they rarely feel like it's right, most of the time it feels like it should have ended sooner. bummer about that one being the same. hopefully i like it. i haven't read neverwhere yet, but i really did enjoy the graveyard book! i have heard about tampa from steph and jana and i think i will read it one day, but i need to be in the right frame of mind first lol

  7. I love The Graveyard Book! It's one of my favorites, too. Neverwhere is a fantastic book. I added Monstrous to my list, almost without even reading the synopsis.

  8. One day I'll get around to reading Gaiman. Eventually. Tampa sounds interesting but I don't know that I'm in the mindset to read it...although there is something great when it's an AWFUL topic but wonderful writing and you just can't put it down.

  9. Staked! I'm so sad it disappointed you. I'm JUST about to start it. I felt like the last book was kind of tedious too though. That's too bad :(

    The Midwest Darling

  10. I've heard really good things about Tampa, but also that it's a hard read! It's been on my list for a while, but I think that I have to be in the right mood for it. Neverwhere sounds really interesting! I need to check that one out too.

  11. I remember trying to read the Bonesetter's Daughter ages ago and couldn't get into. Tampa sounds disturbing, yet intriguing.....not sure if I'll be up to giving it a try.

  12. Ohhhh you were the second person today to have a Neil Gaiman book and I am intrigued and adding them to my TBR!

  13. I'm both disgusted and intrigued by the concept of Tampa. Not sure what that says about me. haha. I haven't read anything besides Joy Luck by Tan, but for whatever reason I'm drawn to stories about China so I'll probably get around to reading Bonesetter's Daughter at some point.

  14. I agree with Emma, that I am totally disgusted and intrigued with Tampa. I've seen a few bloggers talk about it now, and all of their comments have been similar. I have an awful case of (FOMOOB) Fear Of Missing Out On Books, so I know i'll have to read it now! haha.

  15. Oh, I'm so torn about Tampa! I kind of what to read it, but it also might give me the heebie jeebies...

  16. I really liked Bonesetter's Daughter. Have you read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan? That was a really good one set in China with some good history. I've had Tampa on my list but haven't gotten to it.
    I have yet to read Gaiman but he's on my list.

  17. Bonesetter's Daughter just was miserable for me. The China part was the best part, and even still, it didn't excuse the obnoxiousness of the real-time characters. I failed at linking up this month, so next month it's going to look like a was a super reader.. haha jk, I haven't actually read any book since finishing Erin's challenge and Goodreads is annoying me by saying I'm "one book behind schedule." Fuck you Goodreads, you don't know my life!
