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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Confessions: 8/26

Good Morning Everyone, 

Time for Confessions! 

I confess that my insomnia lately is killing me. I go to bed early, exhausted, but then I lay there with my mind going like a mile a minute until it is like 3am. I have no idea why this happens but it happens for several nights a month. I need it to stop like now...

I confess that stress may be playing a part in the insomnia. Being an adult is the worst thing ever. Also apparently it costs $1400 dollars for super glue at the emergency room. Seriously eff being an adult and everything that comes with it. 

I confess that something is up with my blogger right now and it is making this post a beast to write/edit/add photos too. All the RAGE.

I confess that every few months or so I get the need to DO something. It happens when the need to be creative has been bottled up to long and suddenly I have to make something. Sometimes I write, sometimes I do crafts, yesterday I made Kyra a hat! 

I confess that it felt amazing to earn my Proclaimer Badge on my VivoFit. That's for hitting 500 miles walked. I was so scared back in April that I wouldn't reach it by Christmas and look here it is August and I'm there! I seriously love my VivoFit! 

 I confess when I get notifications in my email that one of my library holds becomes available I literally squee with joy. Give me ALL THE BOOKS. 

That's it for me today. Be sure to join the linkup. Happy Humpday. 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren


  1. That last confession? Yep. That's me!

    That hat is all kinds of adorable. I've had some chilly mornings this winter and would've liked a hat like that.

    Adulting sucks. BUT...good for you reaching your fit goal in August that you thought would take you until December. That's accomplishing a good adult goal!

  2. I get excited when I get that email too, and they automatically check it out to my kindle and then, horribly, I forget I have it on my kindle and it expires before I read it! Eeeeek! So basically it's a viscous cycle of holds and not reading, and holding that book again.

  3. I am never more excited than I am when I get a library hold notification. LOL

    Sorry for the emergency room expense. That sucks!

  4. I've had blogger struggles recently, so I feel you! And insomnia is the worst!!!!
    If I used the library, I bet I'd be the same way about the notifications.
