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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Confession Confessions 4/15

Good Morning Everyone,

It's Wednesday and that means it's time for Confession!

I confess....last week I had all my confessions listed out but absolutely failed at getting them typed and posted.
I confess the reason I failed is because instead of blogging last week I was reading. I have gone on  a book binge-fest lately. So any spare moments not cleaning/cooking/being mom were spent reading and not blogging.

I confess that more than a few times I have gone through my Bloglovin in the past few weeks and hit the "Save" button instead of actually reading. I am so behind on everyone and every time I look at the number on my "To Read" list its just...

I confess that even though things have been rocky lately I have actually been really working hard on blogging "behind the scenes". I have a new series coming up soon and have been working on schedules and lots of posts are in the Drafts folder. All in all I'm feeling like the blogging mojo is back!

That's it for me today. Happy Humpday Everyone! Be sure to linkup! 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo
Making Melissa

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