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Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday Memes: March Madness

Good...Evening Everyone,

Apologies for the (very) late blog post today. Honestly I was just busy and time slipped away from me! I had a few errands to run around town and then went and visited my mom for a bit and then suddenly it was 5pm and I hadn't put up a blog post!

Today something different. Today I share with you the reasons March is Madness...for me. 

1) I know someone with a birthday Every. Single. Day. this month. 

2) Two of those people are immediate family members (tomorrow is my Mom's!) 

3) Comic Con. 

4) Never is weather in the Midwest more bi-polar than it is this month.

5) Spring is coming....followed by summer....which means it's going to get hot....and I haven't gotten "hot"....and you can't hide in coats and sweaters forever....I tell myself this every year...

Happy Monday Everyone. Again Sorry about the Late Post!


  1. I am always always always in favor of a meme involving Jim Halpert <3

  2. I love March! I am one of the March birthday people.

  3. I haaaaaaattteee summer time because I HHHHHHAAAATTTEEEE being hot. I just can't even. I get so irritable when I'm hot. It got up to 75° for the last 2 days in Charleston and I'm already over it. I'm already preparing my incessant whining for when summer hits.

  4. March definitely does have several birthdays!!
