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Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Favorites~ 9/12

Good Morning Everyone! 

It's Friday! I'm so excited because I think this is going to be an awesome weekend!

Let's get to the favorites, shall we?

Beauty Favorites: Just loving this simple look!

Fashion Favorites: It really looks like I am ready for some Halloween Fun...


"Masquerade ball" by adventuregirl12 on Polyvore
Food Favorites:  I am all about Fall Recipes!

This is a simple and delicious German coffee drink. Just a couple ingredients, but you'll love it! #coffee #icecream #yum
Recipe Link

Spiral Apple Bread with Caramel Glaze
Spiral Apple Bread w/ Caramel Glaze

Nerdy Girl Favorites: Some Crazy Awesome Cosplays this week!

Fantastic Groot Cosplay Costume by Calen Hoffman Propcustomz - Imgur
This is THE most Epic Groot Cosplay by Calen Hoffman at PropCustomz!

Awesome cosplay even though i don't know who she's cosplaying :3
Favorite Funny: 
Send those ladies my way!!

Song of the week: 

That's it for me this week! Have a great weekend Everyone!!


  1. yes to fall recipes!!! i made another batch of apple butter and banana nut bread; then i'll be making pumpkin butter next week :)

  2. OMG those shoes are everything!!!

  3. hello sweetie!!
    I`m here the first time & I wanna stay!
    How about follow each other?? I always follow back when I propose it :)
    I tell you that because I really love your blog! WOW!
    Pics so inspiring & descritpions are great!!!!
    so let me know sweetie!

    have a nice day!
    keep in touch :)
