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Friday, November 8, 2013


Good Morning Blog Friends,

So last night I went to my very first Zumba class!


I've done Zumba before just at home with a DVD or with the video game version, but never in a class before. I had always wanted to try it and after seeing one of my oldest friends post about how much she loved her class I invited myself along for the next class just to see what the whole thing was about!

So last night I got myself ready in my shoddy workout clothes (meaning yoga capris and the biggest shirt I could find...oh and double bra situation was needed because all my sports bras cannot handle this!) I squared my husband away with Little Miss Kyra, and got my bad self down to the YMCA.

Now I don't have a membership but lucky for me my friend signed me in as her guest for the evening. Of course I was four minutes late because that is the story of my life now that I have a child, but I met up with my friend (we will call her J for the rest of this post) and we snuck in back of the class to fall in with everyone else.

So what can I say about Zumba class??


Seriously I loved it. It felt like being back at cheer camp again. The energy was so amazing and I know I worked ten times harder than I do at home. I was dripping sweat but smiling like a huge dork the whole time. I had forgotten how much more fun it is to workout with a group! Though full disclosure, this was an awesome group.

The music was more than just the Latin version that is on the DVDs and the game. I loved rocking out to some of my favorite songs. We just kept going the whole hour with just a few breaks in between songs before being back at it again. The music was so upbeat and fun that this did not feel like a workout even though my abs are screaming today. I just felt like being at a dance party where everyone knew the dance moves...kinda like in 80s movie! Or a 90s chick flick....whatever.

I loved that the instructors did two different levels. One more laid back version of the moves and one that was high intensity (or Super Bouncy as I like to call it). I tried to keep up with the Super Bounce version for most of them but a few times I had to check myself and scale back because after all this was the first night and I didn't want to injure myself by overdoing it. So while my abs are screaming today, I don't feel awful. In fact I feel that pleasant type of sore that you only get when you really work hard and your body is so happy you got up and did something! 

After our workout I got to chat with J for a bit and it was really great to see her. We have been friends since we were infants but it has been three years since we had actually laid eyes on one another. Thankfully we have the kind of friendship where things just fall right back into place even when you haven't seen each other. Even after all this time and now that we both are moms, things still just fell back into the rhythm that they used to have. It's always so nice when a friendship can work like that...

Anyhow I totally want to join and take the class full time with J, but I am not sure that our budget can allow for us to pay the membership for the YMCA...Bobby and I are going to try and see if we can work it...he said I looked so happy after I came home that he would love for me to be able to get out and do it twice a week...I mean if we had the full membership I would go more often than that just to use the amazing machines they have there. (I'm look at you elliptical!) But for now it is just a wait and see sort of situation. It's been tough cutting back to just one income so we are still getting adjusted to that.

Either way, Zumba was a great experience and if you are considering going to a class, whether you have tried Zumba at home or not, just do it! It will be the fastest hour workout of  your life!

Okay I am out of here, I've got a baby that is rolling her way across the floor and I have to go catch her!

Have a great weekend everyone! (oh and here's a little Zumba humor...)

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