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Monday, April 29, 2013

My Life in Dogs Pt 1

This is a rescue story. 
Last fall I was driving to my parents’ house along the gravel road. As per usual there was a big truck going about seventy down the gravel because well…people are idiots on gravel roads. I saw him and I also saw a dog running along the road. Fear gripped my heart and I watched as the truck didn’t slow down and appeared to take the puppy out as it disappeared from my sight. The truck kept on going but I pulled over to see if the puppy was okay. I stepped out of the car and left the door open, not a second later the pup was out of the ditch and into my car. She had not been hit and she sat in my car seat looking at me with the most amazing gold eyes, begging for me to let her stay. I smiled, got in the car and told her that she was going to be okay now. I knew just where to take her. I took her to Miss Krissy’s home for wayward animals…also known as my mom’s house. 
I pulled into the driveway and carefully got the pup out, along with my little dog that was riding with me as well. She was confused by this new addition to the car but once we were at my mom’s house she was more intent on getting to the other dogs. Mom had three others at the time. We made our way onto the back deck and I looked over this little lady that had gotten in the car. 
She had been on her own for a while. She was scary thin, her bones jutting out and her ribcage very prominent. Her coat was a mess of mud and stickers. However her personality was so mild and meek. She so desperately wanted me to love on her. 
I called mom out to the deck and told her, “I’m sorry mom but I just couldn’t leave her…” Of course my mom didn’t mind at all. She just started to love all over the pup. I knew that this little lady had found a home. Mom named her Bella, and she became part of our family. Miss Bella has been a joy and is one of the smartest and fastest dogs anyone could hope for. She’s a border collie and loves to herd. She keeps mom’s horses in line! 
Of course when we took Bella in we had no idea what was in store for us just a few months later….when these little ones arrived….

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