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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

This week in Baby Bump Central:

There is a bump! I have now noticed a little firm bump developing! When I suck in my stomach (which if I slouch looks like I am already like five months pregnant…) there is a little bump that does not go in! Progress! I noticed it in the mirror this morning while attempting to find something to wear. I seriously need to get some clothes. I threw out all my fat clothes once I shrank out of them and now I wear the same stuff all the time because I am too lazy/cheap to go looking for new stuff. However it has come to the point where I need to get up and get new stuff. Time to hit the clearance racks!

Here’s a fun fact:

I hate Facebook. I log in about once a day and always leave within moments because it irritates me so badly. People say some genuinely stupid things. However I am considering linking the blog up to it because no one comments here and it is lonely. I have been trying to comment on other blogs to try and lure people back here with my hilarity and awesomeness but to no avail. No one is reading this thing but me and that makes me sad all day. So maybe it is time for some shameless promotion…I mean everyone loves to read about babies, books, movies and the daily failings of someone as clueless as me right? No I don’t run marathons, and I never post pictures (I want to but only the iPad in the house takes pictures and it is a pain in the butt sometimes…), but I promise I can write a blog that is worth its’ salt! So maybe it is time to bite the bullet and self-promote….ugh the thought makes me nauseas…


My baby brother is home from college! Fun and games will now begin!

All my shopping is done! I only have two more presents to wrap and I am complete for the season! Huzzah!

I am starting my Christmas Cards today….I am only sending ones out to people that send me one. I am not going to go crazy and send one out to everyone I know like normal…postage is expensive…

I am starting to get over my sickness but still have a bit of a cough…now I am sure my poor husband will come down with it and his will be so severe that the world will be ending…perhaps he will be the cause of the panic next week 

Personally I don’t think the world is going to end, though if it does I imagine I will become like an Amazon Warrior woman with the baby strapped to me as I lead a band of misfits across the dangerous land in search of food and shelter….you may begin laughing now.

Well that’s it for me today, hope the week is finding you well!

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