I thought I would try out a little posting segment here on the blog....I have always kept a journal, either filling it with personal things or filling it with stories that I come up with daily. Since I found out I was pregnant I have been keeping a journal of things that I think and things going on with the baby in the form of letters to the baby....I thought it might be fun to share a few of the little letters that I write!
So here goes:
Dear Baby,
We heard your heartbeat the other day. It was a fast fluttering noise to me....like hummingbird wings. Your dad insists it sounded more like rushing wind when you are at the top of something very tall. I like the hummingbird idea better since you are still so small.
It's very strange how real it all seems now. I know for sure you are in there and I wonder just what it is you hear. I also wonder how someone so small could cause me some of the worst tummy troubles ever and cause me heartburn for the first time in my life! This week you still like chocolate milk best and do not like pretty much anything else! We start to eat something and you decide that we are not having it...it makes trying to decide on dinner very difficult and your poor daddy keeps trying so hard to make us happy!
According to the websites you are the size of a lime but you aren't even a little bump showing yet! I am excited that in a few weeks I might actually be able to feel you moving around in there and in 8 weeks I will get to see your first picture!
I hope you know how happy I am despite feeling sick and I hope that you don't think I am crazy for singing to you when you probably can't hear me yet. You will see that your mom sings all the time once you are here in the world...mostly Disney songs too....
Well Goodnight Baby...though I am sure we will be up at least six more times before the morning gets here!
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