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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Things I'm always doing (Or so it seems)

I saw this post floating around a couple months ago and this has been on my mind lately and thought 'Hey! Let's blog about it!' 



filling dog water bowls

unwrapping string cheese

putting on Barbie clothes

telling myself I will get caught up on blog posts and comments

Making tea

Pumping (Ugh such a love/hate relationship) 

Saying I'm going to paint my nails

Searching for a new planner that does everything I want it to

Wondering what kind of world my children will have after all this mess

Trying to think positive and do positive things so that the world they have will not be this hot mess

Cleaning bottles, onesies, and pump parts

Searching for food I can eat with one hand 

Dreaming of starting a creative enterprise that will stick. I want to do so many things and when it's 3 am and you are the only one awake you are always full of great just to take the leap! 

What do you feel you are always doing? 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

What's Been Happening Around Here....

This guy turned 3 months old.....

This girl started Kindergarten and has been my big helper all summer long. She's a rockstar. 

I've been all over the place. Postpartum life is no joke and honestly I had forgotten just how hard and wonderful it can be. I'd never trade a moment of it away but some days when I've only slept for 2 hours and I can't remember the last time I saw a shower I have to remind myself that it gets better that as we get into our routine we will learn and grow and it will get easier. And every day slowly it gets better. 

These two got their summer/fall hair cuts and they look like mother and daughter now. 

There was a shark cake.  

Some family outings. 

All in all it's been a busy and eventful summer and I'm looking forward to this fall and all our adventures yet to come. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What I Read This summer

I didn't get much reading done this summer since I was busy with a newborn but I did get a few things read and I've really missed the linkup so I managed to gather up my small list so I could join in today! 

Crazy Rich Asian Series by Kevin Kwan- I picked up this series simply because I saw the trailer for the first movie and thought it looked like fun. I am so glad I did because I absolutely adored this series! It was funny, dramatic, a little over the top, and just plain awesome. I would highly recommend the entire trilogy to anyone and especially anyone that like myself enjoys reading about Asian customs or also has a slight affinity for over the top practically royal antics. I cannot wait to see the movie! 

Call The Midwife by Jennifer Worth- I've watched the whole series on Netflix and thought it would be fun to listen to and I wasn't disappointed. The narrator is perfect and the stories are just so fascinating and compelling and it is hard to picture that this life wasn't so long ago. I'm so grateful for all the advancements in medicine and birthing options since then. I will admit I waited on this one until Ty was born but I'm looking forward to listening to the rest of the series now that he's safely arrived and won't go into a panic attack. 

The Grownup by Gillian Flynn- This was actually a short story which I wasn't aware of at the onset but it was pretty decent and on par with Flynn's novels. Creepy and disturbing but some very interesting characters. 

Girl Logic by Iliza Shlesinger- I found Iliza on Netflix one dull day and managed to binge watch all her specials in just a week. I really enjoy her brand of humor as I relate to it being an "Elder Millennial" myself. When I found out she had written a book I knew I had to pick it up. It was extremely funny and honestly if I was still a single girl living on my own then it would have been completely relatable but since I'm an old married (ha) it didn't apply much to me. Still it was funny and I love her take charge attitude and her story of how she made her way in a career that is traditionally a male dominated field. At the very least you should check out her comedy specials. 

So what have you been reading lately?
Life According to Steph