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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

What I Read: March 2018

When Dimple Met  Rishi by Sandhya Menon- I so wanted to like this. I love silly romance and I love YA but I just couldn't get into this one. For one I really hated Dimple. She was just this back and forth and back and forth and really judgmental while screaming about being judged and I thought we were going to get more of her as a strong female character but she just fell flat for me. Rishi was likable enough but I felt like he was getting the raw end of the deal because he kept trying and Dimple kept being just meh. I know so many who loved this and honestly am bummed that I didn't. 

I Heart My Little A-Holes by Karen Alpert- I don't know how I stumbled upon this but I did and as a currently very pregnant person I was interested in reading something "mom" related. This book was pretty hilarious and it was nice to see a mom that was okay talking about the less glamorous parts of being a mom. Sometimes it is super hard and while you wouldn't change a thing it isn't Instagram perfection around here like....ever. I enjoyed this one but if you aren't a mom or into reading "mommy blog" style stuff give it a pass.

I want my Epidural Back: Adventures in Mediocre Parenting by Karen Alpert- I picked this one up because I really did enjoy the first however this one was just more repeat of the first one and felt like she just threw some blog posts into a book and published it. It repeated a lot of the first book and just didn't have the humor this time around to keep it going. I actually didn't finish it.

Books on Deck:

One of Us is Lying- I am so hooked but trying to savor this one! So far it's amazing.
The Rules of Magic- Again trying to savor it.
Thunderhead- Audio book that I'm trying to listen to but am kind of saving for my road trip next week!
Life According to Steph

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Bump Update: 30 weeks

I am 30 weeks this week! Third Trimester baby! I can't believe how fast the past couple months have gone and that baby boy will be here in 2 months! Kyra came at exactly 38 weeks so it is completely believable that this little one will be here sometime around then too! Here's what is going on this week: 

Size: This week baby is the size of a platypus! I use the Ovia app to track my weeks and I love that they do random animals instead of fruit and vegetables. I always get a kick out of seeing what strange animal baby is the size of each week. 

Symptoms: Lightning Crotch. If you don't know what it is it is just what it sounds like. It's like a bolt of lightning to your crotch that can double you over in a second and then it is gone. Also lots of pelvic pressure when walking because I'm carrying pretty low this time around. Also still having trouble eating even though I feel like I'm starving all the time. 

Maternity Clothes: I live in leggings and maternity tops that I find randomly at Ross. They are always so much cheaper than most of the stores and when I found this Mama Bear shirt I was thrilled because the one I had seen previously was like $48 and I got mine for $7.99!

Fun Stuff: Baby Boy is moving all the time and I love feeling him kick and roll. It's just reassuring feeling him grow and move. ALSO not baby related but we got the chance to take Kyra to see Disney on Ice and it was magical and amazing and I am so glad that we got to do a big special event with just her. She was the most adorable little Belle ever! 

Not so fun stuff: I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes this time around about 3 weeks ago. I have managed to keep my sugars completely under control with trying to eat more protein and cutting out things like sweet tea. It's less than fun to have to check my blood sugar levels 4 times a day but I do what I have to do because it is what is best for baby. I plan on doing a whole post on this in the future. 

Cravings: I want Taco Bell all the time and mine is currently closed and undergoing construction so this is a craving that will not be filled. Why Taco Bell? Why must you do this to me? 

And now a little humor: 
Ah the joys of baby crushing your bladder lol

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Things that make my life easier

Makeup ovals- I use these nightly for either makeup removal or to apply witch hazel as a natural toner. They are so much better than just the regular circles!

My vacuum- This seems silly to add but honestly I love my vacuum. When you have 3 dogs and a kiddo....yeah vacuum to the rescue.

My planner- I've done the fancy planners. I've done no planners. The consensus? I'm in the middle. I love my planner that already has a layout and I just add my appointments as I need them. The thing is I DO need a planner now because otherwise I would totally forget everything. Between my own appointments, baby appointments, Kyra's school items, my husband's work stuff.....yeah we needed someone to have all this stuff written down!

Amazon Prime- How did we live without this in the old days? I need something quickly but it is nowhere to be found in stores near me? (so not uncommon since I live out in the country) Prime is my savior.

Pinterest- Now this one is a double edged sword. I have found so many things that I can DIY and have turned out and then I find things that honestly it would probably be better for everyone if I just bought it instead of making it but still I love it when I make something myself and avoid paying more than I need to.

Overdrive- I love this option from my library. Thousands of books and audio books at my fingertips 24 7 and all for free! It's so great to have when you want to travel light but still need to make sure you have a book at your fingertips in case you have to wait.

Extra Long phone cords- Life changers. Being plugged in sucks but at least with long cords I'm not literally against the wall all the time.

Watch Later on YouTube- This is such a great option when you see a video that you want to save for later to finish or simply save for later review if you are learning a new project.

Google Photos- All the photos on my phone backed up automatically so I lose nothing and never have to worry about deleting things to make space because they are already saved and easy to access from anywhere you log into Google.

Walmart Savings Catcher- I don't shop at Walmart a ton but when I do it seems I always spend a lot and Savings Catcher is a lifesaver. Basically you scan your receipt and they check to see if anything you bought was cheaper at any nearby store and then they give you the difference! It's automatically loaded up to a gift card on your phone and the next time you are shopping you can use that balance to pay for stuff! I love it because I save them up and use them for those unexpected expenses!

What are some things that make your life easier?