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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

What I Read: March Edition

It's time for my favorite link up again! I actually did a decent amount of reading this month though admittedly I did get hung up on one particular author. Oops.

New Uses for Old Boyfriends by Beth Kendrick- This is actually book 2 in the Black Dog Bay Series. Basically Black Dog Bay is THE place to go after you have had your heartbroken. Everything in the town is themed (The Whinery, The Jilted Cafe, Better off Bakery...etc) This book was fun, silly, and predictable but that was exactly what I was in the mood for. If you are someone who likes cozy romance books with happy endings. You'll like this one.


Put A Ring on It by Beth Kendrick- The third in the Black Dog Bay series. Again lighthearted and fun. I love how old characters turn up in these books and honestly out of the four books in this series this one was my favorite. I loved seeing characters from before get even more fleshed out into actual main stars of the show.


Once Upon a Wine by Beth Kendrick- The fourth in the series. 
Again sweet, fun, predictable. I really want to move to this town and meet all these characters. I suppose that is why I keep coming back for more! Hopefully this isn't the last in the series because I really love them!


The Bake-Off by Beth Kendrick- Another Kendrick but this time not set in Black Dog Bay. This one is a stand alone but I really loved reading about the two VERY different sisters and of course reading about all the delicious baked goods. Romance and pastry...I mean the two go hand in hand right?

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J.K. Rowling- Okay so I have read this before but when I saw that Eddie Redmayne was reading the audio book version I picked it up immediately on Audible. I love that this edition includes even more creatures and I love that Eddie has given Newt Scamander life in this audio book as well as on screen. Delightful.


Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt- All this sweetness there was bound to be one sour right? This book was just miserable to read and I honestly did not finish. Misogynistic and plain violent toward the female characters (although they were all vapid and awful anyhow) plus the author was literally OBSESSED with breasts. Just UGH. I put it down and never looked back. Hard Pass. 


Be sure to join the linkup and share your books!
Life According to Steph

Monday, April 10, 2017

Currently.....April 2017

Working on: Everything pretty much. My house needs cleaning, I have a mountain of work to do. I have blog posts that need to be edited and scheduled. I have pictures that need to be uploaded and saved to files. It is just a never ending to do list around here! 
Image result for my life is like that rihanna song
Watching: I haven't really been watching all that much TV lately but we did start watching Harlots on Hulu and I'm enjoying it so far. Also started Cosplay Melee and am really enjoying that one as well. 
Image result for Harlots

Image result for Cosplay Melee

Reading: I actually just got a whole stack of books that came in off my holds list but haven't started any yet. I'm looking forward to them though! 
Image result for I just want to read

Loving: Our season passes to the KC zoo! The weather was lovely this past weekend and we decided to pack a lunch and go spend the day. It was so relaxing because we didn't have to hurry because if we didn't get the entire thing seen in one day we would just catch it the next time! We actually did finish the whole thing but that was only because it was such a gorgeous day!

Excited About: Planet Comicon of course! It's coming up at the end of the month and I can't wait to see some awesome cosplay and meet some amazing creators! 
Image result for planet comicon

Don't Forget tomorrow is the Show Us Your Books Linkup! 

Life According to Steph

If you are looking for more like this post then checkout this linkup! 

What's New With You

Monday, April 3, 2017

The One with the First Weekend of April

Well hey there. It's been more than a hot minute since I posted a blog. I have no excuses it just didn't happen in March. I'm going to try and do better this month. 

Friday: The little dogs were WAY overdue for a grooming appointment and so it was their day to get done. They were pretty matted up so shaved it is! That was fine with me because that means it will take longer for their hair to grow and honestly they seem so much happier and lighter without all that hair. I do have to knit some sweaters for them however because it is still chilly on our morning walks. 

Saturday: Rainy and chilly out so Robert and Kyra watched movies all day while I got some work done. After that it was basically all Netflix and some awesomely delicious meatball subs that I made but forgot to snap a picture of because honestly I'm just the worst blogger ever. 

Sunday: After spending all day Saturday in we decided to get out and about. We headed out for a late brunch and then the mall. Kyra got to meet the bunny at Build A Bear which was honestly way cooler looking than the actual Easter Bunny that was there for pictures. They let me take a picture but Kyra was pretty unsure of the whole situation. Still super cute though. 

Well we walked around for a bit and I basically window shopped because while I looked at a ton of things I walked out with nothing. Which is pretty much par for the course. Although they did have a Sephora and I was sorely tempted to stock up on some items but I resisted because I am in a spending freeze until Comic Con later this month. However we did get to meet this adorable Great Pyrenees puppy that seemed to really adore Kyra. 

After the mall we just kind of drove around (aka Robert drove me to places to catch Pokemon) and then headed home. It was an exciting night however because we watched my brother in law win the Madden 2017 Challenge! It was streaming live and it was absolutely awesome to see him win! I realize most of my readers are not gamers but just know that this was a HUGE deal and we are super proud of him! 
He's the one on the left!

All in all it was a pretty quiet weekend! Hope you all are well and here's to getting back to blogging again!