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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Word of 2015

Good Morning Everyone and Happy New Year's Eve! It's the last post of 2014!!!!

Yesterday I posted about my goals for 2015 and today I am sharing with you my Word of the Year. 

I have never done a word of the year but I have seen lots of other bloggers do it and for 2015 it felt like the right thing to do. 

Here is my Word of the Year: 

I chose this word because it sums up everything I want to do in my life for the next year. I want to be more organized, purge clutter, and live my life just more simply than before. It's going to be the word I chant as I dig through my basement/garage mess and attempt to let go of all the things that I need to get rid of in my life, namely clothing, furniture, and general clutter type things. 

I'm actually really excited about it all and am looking forward to the weight of things being lifted off my shoulders as I let go of what I don't need. It's time to take control and make life just a bit easier on myself! 

Are you doing a Word of the Year? If so what is your word? I'd love to know!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My 2015 Goals

Good Morning Everyone, 

Well here we are again, the end of another year, and everyone knows what that means....

Time for some Goals! 

 1. I always pledge to read and write more. I love both things and honestly what would life be like without books? 

2. I really want to get better at what not only I eat but also what my family eats. I really want Kyra to have good eating habits and it starts with me! 

3. This is the year I get rid of things. I am so done moving things around and just shifting one pile of things over to the other side of the room and then back again. I am going to simplify my life! 

4. This one kind of ties in with the others and honestly it was Steph that inspired me to put this goal in, but I want to be more in control of my Hausfrauing! I want a chore schedule and I want organization! 

5. This is inspired via something I had seen on Tumblr. I want to attempt to put forth my best self as much as possible. Smile more and enjoy life. My family deserves the best version of me that I can give them. Every. Single. Day.

The new year is a such a hopeful thing, there is no way of knowing what is in store, there are just endless possibilities. I can't wait to see what 2015 will bring!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Since I turned 30...

Good Morning-ish Everyone,

So it's been a pretty busy week since I turned 30....actually it hasn't even been a week yet but it has been super busy all the same! 

So here's the recap of the Chaos that has been: 

Christmas Eve (aka Birthday Day): 

Awesome gift from my husband: 

I drank this awesome vodka/wine hybrid that looks like a galaxy in a bottle

Oh and my Brother in Law found some abandoned puppies which I took in and three of which are now camping out in my kennel until I find homes for them! Puppy number four went home with my BIL as a Christmas gift for his family. Her name is now Noelle. (She was the tan one) 

Christmas Day: 

Awesome Christmas Presents were given: 

(About died when I opened this. IT. IS. AWESOME.)

(Yes I have a product problem...but look at the awesome organizer Bobby got me!)

Kyra melted everyone's heart with her adorable reactions to her gifts.

Then it was family time with more presents, more fun, lots of laughter.

Friday and Saturday were a blur of shopping, visiting, post Christmasing, and taking naps in the shoe department of Kohls. 

Sunday was our Christmas with my grandparents and Dad's side of the family. More food, more fun! (And Sunday Selfies)

Sunday afternoon was spent attempting to organize the chaos made in our home from all the fun but really all we got done was a little cleaning and a LOT of just vegging out and trying to recover! 

Yeah.....Chaos as normal around here!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

From My Family To Yours: 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Today I am Thirty

Good Morning Everyone,

So I had posted back earlier this year that I was going to do a list of 30 things to do before I'm 30.

Yeah...So to begin with I only posted 15 things....and of those 15 I only did about ten of them.

Whomp Whomp.

However instead of worrying about that list, Today on my big 30th, I thought I would share a different list.

A list of things that I did in my 20's that I am pretty proud to share.

Here we go (in no particular order):

1. I traveled- Jamaica, Bahamas, Orlando, HOGWARTS


2. I wrote....a LOT.

3. I adopted dogs...a bunch of dogs!

4. I found my very best friends.

5. I embraced my inner Nerd. 
(At Comic Con...Kyra and my little brother...yes we Cosplay and yes we will be going back every year!)

6. I grew up a little....but not too much.
(Me jumping up and down and screaming at the sight of Hogwarts)

7. I married my high school sweetheart.

8. Just a few months later I was pregnant! 

9. We had a beautiful little girl.

10. Life Went on....and just got sweeter.

So bring it on 30s....I'm Ready For Ya! 

Oh and Merry Christmas Eve to all....and to all a good night!

Monday, December 22, 2014

My Books of 2014

Good Morning Everyone, 

So about a week (or was it two weeks?) ago I was going to join the Show Us Your Books linkup....but as per usual my disorganized brain didn't get things together in time and I missed it. 

Lucky for me GoodReads decided to remind me that I wanted to do this post by sending me the completed list of the books that I read for my 2014 challenge. I had challenged myself to read 52 books (a book a week) last  year because I wasn't sure how much reading I would get done having a 1 year old in the house. 

I am happy to report I did indeed reach my goal (plus additional ones that I totally forgot to upload to my GoodReads Account. Whomp. Whomp.) even if that goal was reached through several sleepless nights where I simply could not put the book down or out of fear that I would have to wait several hours to know what happened if I didn't finish right away. 

Out of those 52 books  I thought I would share with you my top five for the year! 

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty


This book was a stay up all night-gotta find out what happens next-type of book. It was totally not what I expected when I picked it up! Really enjoyed it and it made me very nervous about when Kyra goes to school!

Lucky Dog Matchmaking Service by Beth Kendrick


This is another book that took me by surprise! It was on the shelf at Barnes and Nobel as one of the employee favorites and I have to agree! I love dogs and this story was just the right amount of doggy/chic lit fun!

School For Good and Evil by Soman Chainani


This is the first in a series and I have to say I am really looking forward to the rest of the books. This takes a different look at what is considered "good" and "evil". I loved every minute of it! 

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Doctor Sleep (The Shining #2)

Oh Stephen sure do know how to terrify a girl! This book was equal parts scary and mind game worthy! There is a particular scene that has scarred me for life. It is a sequel to The Shining and is a wonderful read for all those that wondered what happened to little Danny after the hotel!

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell


 I know that this book is a top favorite just because I have actually re-read it already! I loved the characters, I loved the time setting, and for some reason this resonated with me deeply. Maybe it is because Lincoln was a nerd or maybe it is because I too am prone to "over sharing" via technology!

I hope that if you haven't read these books you give them a chance and if you wanna see all 52 books that I finished you can check them out here.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Favorites 12/19

Good Morning Everyone,
Happy Friday! It's time for Friday Favorites!!

Favorite Funnies:
Seriously though ✋

Beauty Favorites: Seriously Jaclyn Hill...amazing.

Check out this awesome score at TJ Maxx! I finally get to try GlamGlow!!!

Random Favorites:
Yep. This is the dream.
This speaks to me on a personal level.....

Nerdy Girl Favorites:
Harry Potter, Supernatural, the combination! (I love all these bleach t-shirts)

This key rack. | 33 Harry Potter Gifts Only A True Fan Will Appreciate
 Geek Life | HUMAN | T-Shirts, Tanks, Sweatshirts and Hoodies

 And food favorite for this week: Homemade Cookies!

That's it for me this week! Happy Friday Everyone, have a safe and awesome weekend! 

Make sure to join the Linkup!!!