February didn't involve a whole lot because the weather kept us in pretty much the whole time. I don't mind that though. Everyone is all like "Winter needs to be over" and " I hate snow" and I'm just here like....but then it turns into mud and then heat and then everything is sticky and muggy and miserable? Wouldn't you rather just live in your leggings and hoodie? Or is that just me? I dunno.
I am a little frantic about getting everyone packed up and traveling with a 5 year old and a 10 month old but again my whole family is going and we will make it work. If you happen to be traveling to Maui at the end of April and are on our flight I apologize if Ty is screaming. He's a good baby really but yeah baby's cry and that's life.
Speaking of Ty- He's 9 months old today! He is full on crawling which started about two weeks ago and now is pulling up on everything ready to start cruising and then walking. Kyra walked at 9 months so I'm not surprised at all. I am however having to put everything that is important to not get broken or baby slobber on it up out of reach or put away for the foreseeable future. We are also going through separation anxiety and that is super hard because I can't set him down for any length of time without him screaming which makes cooking, cleaning, basically life hard. He only wants to be held by Mama which is sweet but still....Mama is tired.
Have a good one friends.
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