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Thursday, March 29, 2018

March Recommendations

Burt's Bees oil cleanser- This has made taking my makeup off so much faster! To be honest while I love makeup and totally try to take care of my skin as much as possible there are still so many nights when I'm in a hurry to just get the gunk off and go to bed. This makes taking off eye liner and mascara a total breeze and I have noticed that it also makes my skin very happy! There are lots of different oil cleansers but I admit I picked this one because it is in the lower price range and no regrets so far! 
Burt's Bees Cleansing Oil with Coconut & Argan Cleanser, 6 Ounce

Organizers for makeup- My husband bought these for me for Christmas and I LOVE them. If you are a makeup hoarder like myself these are awesome to organize your stash. 
ELOKI 360 Rotating Makeup Organizer, DIY Detachable Spinning Makeup Holder Storage Bag Case Large Capacity Makeup Caddy Shelf Acrylic Cosmetics Organizer Box, Great for Countertop, Black
Essential oils- I am totally late to the party but essential oils have changed my cleaning routine as far as laundry and cleaning my mattress goes. They smell awesome and last so long and yeah just take the plunge it's worth it. 

YouTube channels- I'm totally into cleaning/vlogging/mommy videos these days. This might not be up your alley but if you are so inclined my favorites are: 

Love Meg

Beauty and Beastons

Flipside of the Moon 

Wet N Wild Foundation- Super cheap and it has the staying power of a much more expensive foundation. I love a deal and this one is amazing. It has a pretty broad shade range and very build-able coverage! 
Dry Shampoo- Again I'm late to the party but I was sent this sample of dry shampoo and now I'm hooked and basically this will have to be in my regular stash especially with baby boy due in a few months and my knowing that showers will be few and far between once he arrives. I love this one but honestly it is super pricey so if you have any recommendations for something cheaper I am all for it! However I will say this one is worth the money, especially if you are a brunette or darker hair color. 
ORIBE Gold Lust Dry Shampoo, 6 oz.
Podcasts- I've told you all about the Curvy Girl Podcast before and I'm still in love with it but now I have a new podcast that I have been bingeing on and honestly I'm probably late to this party too but: 
My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark

I love true crime but I love Karen and Georgia even more. They deliver the stories so well and with hilarity that takes the brutal edge off. Plus they are just realatable and funny and yeah you should listen.

So what are your March Recommendations? 

*Note- No affiliate links here, just stuff I like that you might like!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sh*t I'm no longer sorry for

Saying No. 

My random taste in music. 

Not finishing bad books. 

Listening to a song on repeat until I can't stand it anymore. 

Loving makeup even when I don't wear it every day. 

Wearing leggings. Look I don't care what you say they are comfy and match everything and honestly with my massive pregnant belly they are about the only things I can wear because maternity clothes are a freaking racket and cost entirely too much for something I will only wear for a couple months. 

Being a massive fangirl and geek. 

Taking a nap. I'm currently making a person and contrary to what lots of people say, it's exhausting. 

For constantly having my hand on my bump. This bump is precious to me. I didn't know if this little rainbow boy was even possible and every time I feel him move I'm so happy. It also reminds me of when Kyra was in there and how joyous that was too. I adore my bump even as it grows heavier and slows me down. This bump is a miracle. Also why the hell do you care if I am holding my bump? Mind your own business. 

Taking long blogging breaks. Sometimes I feel it and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I can't look at the computer for another minute having worked on it for hours at a time. 

That when I'm at home I'm probably dressed in ratty old clothes. 

The only thing I do to my eyebrows is pluck and shape them. I do not have time for all that brow product stuff. 

I do LOVE some highlight though. 

Hating cooking but loving baking. 

For being myself. Emotional, passionate, slightly a mess, ridiculous, but all around good person with the best of intentions. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What I Read in February 2018

Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan- I loved everything but the love story in this book! I loved the idea of the bakery. I loved the side characters. I loved the baby puffin. I loved the baking and planning and the changing your whole life around bit. I did not love the love story. In fact I thought all the "love interests" were the most boring people on the planet. The characters were never fully flushed out for me and I just never liked them. She could have left that bit out and still had a great book. So for me this one only gets 3 out of 5. 

Caraval by Stephanie Garber- This book was all over my "Suggestions" feeds it seems. I had at least 4 people tell me I would love it and so of course I put in on hold and waited the long wait to see what the fuss was about. So what did I think? Meh. I really wasn't that impressed. Another book that suffered from lack of character development and I never really felt like I cared about the main character. Actually she kind of annoyed me. I doubt very much I will continue the serious. Another 3 out of 5 if only for some neat magical elements that I enjoyed. 

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson- I have no idea how I even got this book. I must have put it on hold at some point because it came it at the library and after finishing Caraval I was craving something more so I ended up reading it in less than 12 hours. To be fair it wasn't terribly long but I will say that it was very intriguing. I liked the main character because I felt like she could really hold her own when it came down to it and that is one of my favorite things. If the female lead can totally stand on her own without the love interest then I am game. I loved a lot of the lore in this one and if there ends up being more I would be more than happy to dive back into that world once again. Again some awesome magic and this time with fairies! Solid 4 out of 5. 

Be sure to join the linkup and share your books! 
Life According to Steph

Thursday, March 1, 2018

What's New-Life Catch up and stuff

We hit 25 weeks this week with baby. If you didn't see our gender announcement on other forms of social media we are having a boy! 

Baby is doing well in face the doctor said she is very happy and everything is going perfectly. I cannot tell you how awesome that was to hear.

I haven't gained any 'weight' this pregnancy so far. I actually am down about 15 pounds because I was having some serious food aversions throughout the first trimester and since then I have just been trying to eat as healthy as I can whenever I can. I'm having a hard time eating for the most part and find myself getting super full really quickly. I'm totally not complaining since I gained like 40 pounds with Kyra and if I come out of this pregnancy actually smaller than I went in? BONUS. Baby boy is gaining weight just fine though so no worries there.

My pup Arya knocked over my old computer the other day and now it has finally bitten the dust. That was a huge bummer but at least it let me save all my files and everything to a hard drive before it finally powered down for good.
Image result for sad face gif

Since I'm working from home I decided to take my taxes to get done by a professional this year. I'm glad that she is taking over honestly because I have never had to deal with self employment tax and all the things that go along with that. It's just worth it to me to have the piece of mind that the taxes will be done correctly and I don't have to spend a day doing it and learning how to do it properly. #worthit
Image result for worth it gif

I've become obsessed with cleaning videos on YouTube. Like watching people clean their house. I'm sure it has to do with nesting but honestly it has also made me want to clean my house more and more so that has to be a good thing right? However it has also made me want to try new cleaning products. I see a lot of these women use Mrs. Meyers or they go through Grove Collaborative. Now this may just be because they are sponsored by these products but I'm honestly curious, have any of you used these products or this site? Is it worth the hype? This mama needs to know because I honestly just want to clean this house from top to bottom while I still have the energy to do so!
Image result for cleaning gif

Speaking of energy it comes and goes. Monday I was fully of energy for the most part because I had a doctor's appointment and had things going on all morning, then I had a small nap, and then a birthday celebration with my in laws. Tuesday I felt like a truck hit me. So tired and so worn out that I didn't even get out of bed until 9 am despite being awake for about 2 hours by then. I was just there listening to Kyra breathe and feeling baby boy moving around and trying to stay as still as possible because if the dogs know I'm awake then they will promptly be all over me. Anyhow I did eventually get up but the whole day I felt like I should have just been in bed instead. SO TIRED. And then Wednesday I was full of energy all morning and got so much done but by 1pm I was napping on the couch with Kyra. It's just so up and down. 

And lastly I'm finally one of those to join the essential oil club. I bought a 3 pack at Ross with the intention of making some wool dryer balls and infusing them with scents to replace using dryer sheets. I haven't gotten my wool done yet but I did infuse some baking soda with the lavender and sprinkled it all over the mattress while I was washing the sheets and comforter. It made my bed smell like HEAVEN. Seriously game changer. Now I need a diffuser because honestly if it made my bed smell that good then I need my whole house to smell that way. Sold. 
Image result for sold gif

Be sure to join the linkup and share what's new with you! 

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