It's time for Confession!
I confess that I am still attempting to recover from the weekend. I love having friends over, playing games, and being busy, but since I'm also highly introverted these things take a massive toll on me. After four days of people and all of yesterday cleaning up the aftermath, I just kind of want to lie in bed all day and be quiet.
I confess that while that may be what I want to do it isn't what I will actually get to do. One of the hardest parts of being a Mom for me is that I'm always "on". Kyra still needs me to be her mom and take care of her even if all I want to do is switch off for the day. It's just not an option.
I confess that this year at Ren Fest was probably one of my least favorite. It wasn't the festivals fault by any means. I just foolishly underestimated the drama of my two year old. Kyra wasn't bad really, she was just a kid, but I was frustrated and disappointed that I missed out on pretty much everything I wanted to do because she needed me. Sure my husband tried to help but Kyra wasn't having that. She only wanted me. She wanted me to carry her which is something I can't do for an extended period of time anymore because she is a wiggly two year old or she wanted me to pull her in the wagon which I didn't mind doing but she had a little melt down every time I stopped to look at something. I know that someone will be like "Well just get a babysitter!" but that wasn't an option and honestly I wanted her there initially so that we could have fun together.
I confess that I have been dealing with a LOT of mommy guilt lately. I have been feeling the need to take a break and do something just for me but the minute I suggest it...guilt. Guilt at not wanting to spend every minute with Kyra. Guilt at asking someone else to watch her for a little bit. Guilt because I am a Stay At Home Mom. I know that that some people think this is the life I chose so why am I complaining? If this is what I wanted then why do I need time away?
I confess that I'm frustrated with my vacuum. Lately I've noticed my it isn't working correctly. I'm not sure what is wrong but the suction isn't there. I cleaned it thoroughly and am now just waiting for the canister to air dry and hoping for the best...if that fails I will have to see if I can get it cleaned out with the air compressor.
I confess that even though all that is going on, I am so very happy that tomorrow is the first day of October. I love October. I love fall. I love Halloween. I love chilly weather. I am so ready for sweaters, cozy blankets and cups of cocoa!
That's it for me today. Be sure to join the linkup! Happy Humpday Everyone!